19. You can't stop me.

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Zhan was on his way to Lei's office for some work and his steps had come to a halt as he reached and sensed the anger radiating off Yibo. The dark emotion was settled like a heavy cloak on him and for a second Zhan didn't know if Yibo would snap out of it. Instincts told Zhan that Yibo was about to pounce and Zhan's hand shot out to hold Yibo's on reflex. He held strong and when Yibo turned to him, Zhan saw the fury stamped on every inch of Yibo's face. Zhan had seen Yibo angry before. Growing up together, he had seen Yibo at his best, at his worst and everywhere in between but something about Yibo's anger was alarming. Maybe because it wasn't just anger that Zhan sensed from Yibo. There was a hatred so strong clinging to the Alpha that Zhan was scared of it for a moment. "Zhan!", called Lei, the lion shifter having a relieved look on his face while Yichen looked as if he had swallowed glass. "What's happening here?", Zhan asked and upon hearing a growl from beside him, Zhan came to stand in front of Yibo. For Yibo to be pissed to this extent something big had definitely gone down between the three men. Zhan's eyes moved from Yichen to Lei and the elder had no option but to talk. "It's nothing bad, A-Zhan. We were just talking", said Lei and Zhan's brows arched at the pacifying tone. "Talking shouldn't have made Yibo angry the way he is. If you're going to lie atleast try harder, Lei."  "Aiyo!", Lei mumbled on an exasperated sigh and Yichen's voice came next. "It's my fault, Zhan. I asked Lei to convince you to move to Zhuo territory. I was out of line and said some things. I just want you to be safe. If you stay with me, I can-" Yibo growled again behind Zhan and Zhan's grip on the man's arm tightened in warning. Yichen's eyes shot to the Wang Alpha before settling on Zhan's hand resting on Yibo's arm and his mouth thinned. "I won't leave Hope, Yichen. You know that", Zhan said in a firm tone and saw annoyance flash on Yichen's face. "You know this is dangerous, Zhan. Chang Xia came here today. The only person she hates as much as Wei Wei is you. She sent those jackals after you, threatened you in front of everyone today and you know she won't lose a second's sleep over hurting you. She isn't sane, A-Zhan! Staying here will only be making it easier for her to hurt you."  "So you suggest that I leave Hope? Hide like a coward and leave Lei to handle all this mess by himself? Really, A-Chen?"  Yichen heard the words and cursed himself knowing he had fucked up. "That's not what I meant, Zhan. I-"  "I know."  Yichen's eyes raised to Zhan's and there was no anger in the dark almond eyes, only understanding.

"I know your suggestion came from a good place. Which is why I won't argue with you over this", Zhan said in a soft tone and Yichen wanted to say something but Zhan raised a hand effectively stopping him. "I won't leave Hope, Chen. This is my home. My family is here and I know you mean well but I won't turn my back on these people. I was the one who brought Wei Wei here. This is my fight just as much it is hers. Hiding away in your pack and leaving Lei and the others to suffer at Chang Xia's hands is not what I can do. I am not that person. While I understand your concern, you know why I refuse your offer. So please-"  "You sure that's the only reason, A-Zhan?", spoke Yichen in a clipped tone and Zhan's eyes narrowed at Yichen's words. "Yichen, don't do anything you'll regret later", Lei warned from behind but Yichen ignored the advise taking a step towards Zhan. "You tell yourself that the reason you stay behind is Lei and the others but I think you are lying to yourself, A-Zhan. You know who is the real reason of you staying here." Yichen looked above Zhan's shoulder to Yibo and Zhan gave him a look of disbelief before pinching the bridge of his nose. "Now you're being delusional, Chen."  "Am I, Zhan?", Yichen questioned and words were on Zhan's tongue but before he could get them out Yichen was speaking again pointing to Yibo. "He is the real reason you are still here. He is the reason why you refused to join the Luo pack and now you are refusing to stay in Zhuo territory. The truth is, it's not Hope but him you can't part with!"  "Stop it, Yichen", Lei said again and Yichen turned towards the elder with a brittle smile.

"Why should I stop? Am I wrong?"  "Yes, you are", came the deep voice and all eyes turned to Yibo who came to stand beside Zhan. "You were wrong before and you are wrong again, Zhuo Yichen. The reason Zhan wants to stay here is because this is his home. Being a wolf you know how important your territory is to you. If a battle occurs on your pack would you hide away in some other place?"  "That is not the same thing, Zhan is an Omega-"  "Why not? Your pack is your home and this shelter is ours. We have been raised here. Zhan has been here since he was two years old. You can't blame him for wanting to protect his own home, Zhuo Yichen."  Zhan's hand left Yibo's and he stepped forward towards the Zhuo Alpha keeping his anger in check. "I can't come to your pack to stay with you, Yichen. What I told you is the truth but believing it or not is your choice. Please don't suggest this again."  The almond eyes were pleading and just like that, Yichen crumbled. His eyes turned to Wang Yibo finding the Alpha's eyes glinting with menace. Zhuo Yichen could guess what the Wang Alpha wanted to do. It was written clearly all over his face but Wang Yibo held himself back. No. Zhan was holding Wang Yibo back. It was in that moment that Yichen realized what he was up against. He could see the hold Zhan had over Wang Yibo and strangely, Wang Yibo let the Omega have that power. Whatever was important to Zhan was important to Wang Yibo. Whatever Zhan wanted was what Yibo would give to him. If Yibo lost control, Xiao Zhan would be the person to bring him back. Seeing the two of them together like that...it scared Yichen. For the first time in years, his faith in his relationship with Zhan dwindled. For the first time in years, Yichen wondered if he really was the one who loved Zhan the most in this world. "I won't mention this again", he said softly and was rewarded with a smile from Zhan. "Thank you, Chen."  "Call me if you need me", Yichen spoke to Zhan but before the Omega could nod, Yibo growled again. "I will", Zhan said ignoring the Alpha and Yichen's gaze lingered on Zhan for a moment before he left the office.

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