39. Happy birthday, Xiao Wei...

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"Happy birthday, Xiao Wei!", Zhan crushed Wei Wei to him smiling ear to ear and the young she-wolf laughed at his obvious excitement. "Thanks a lot, Zhan-ge."  Zhan let the girl go, taking her big smile in and his heart warmed. "Happy birthday, Wei Wei", Lei came next to hug the girl, patting her head and the girl smiled some more. She was surrounded by all the members of the shelter, everyone giving her flowers and blessings and soon the girl got emotional seeing the love surrounding her. Warmth and joy seeped from her pores and she seemed to glow tonight. Zhan couldn't help but feel proud of himself and the others at the shelter. They had been preparing day and night, making sure everything was right for Wei Wei's party this year because they couldn't do much the last time. Last year, Wei Wei had not shared her birthday with anyone, and heartbreak over her family was still a fresh wound so when Lei and Zhan found out, they promised her that they will plan a grand celebration the next time. Since day one, they had seen the young girl as someone they could pamper, and knowing that they had missed a chance to make her happy, both men were upset. So, this year Zhan made sure the young girl got all the love and happiness she deserved.

The backyard of the shelter was decorated by fairy lights, big banners saying "Happy birthday, Wei Wei" hung from the walls, her favorite flowers adorning the entire area, and a small stage was set up under the big peach tree covered with hundreds of gifts. The place was decorated beautifully and the sweet smell of orchids, food, good wine and joy permeated the air. "This is beautiful. Thank you so much, guys." The girl looked on the verge of crying and Aunt Su instantly came to her side. "One should not cry on their birthday. It upsets the heavens, Xiao Wei", the woman reprimanded the girl gently, a kind smile on her face. "I am just so happy, A-Yi", giggled Wei Wei and got herself under control wiping her tears. "You still can't cry. We told everyone this is a birthday party, if they see you with your mascara running down, they will run away instead of wishing you, Wei Wei", Guo Cheng teased and the girl swatted his arm. "Exactly. I was promised a night of dancing, laughing, and Lei's wine. Seeing you resemble a raccoon wasn't part of the deal. I didn't sign up for this", chimed in Yichen and the others laughed while the girl whined.  "Enough. Don't mess with her", Lei scolded, gently taking Wei Wei's hand and leading her away. Zhan guessed where the elder was taking the girl so Zhan followed along with the others. "What's happening?", Wei Wei asked in surprise on reaching the gates and Lei motioned at Guo Cheng. "We have something for you."  "Oh god!", Wei Wei's eyes widened like saucers seeing the white beauty before her. "No, you guys didn't." Wei Wei's eyes were still fixed on the white Toyota Corolla parked in front of the shelter gates and Zhan dangled the key chain before her eyes. "Whenever you miss home, you can just drive here."  Zhan said the words with a smile on his face and the girl buried her face in Lei's chest, her shoulders shaking as she cried. "Silly girl", Lei muttered softly tears glistening in his eyes and Wei Wei's eyes turned to Zhan, her tears shining under the fairy lights. "Thank you, Zhan-ge. For bringing me here. F-For bringing me home."  She wound her arms around Zhan's neck squeezing him tight while Zhan caressed her head softly. "Never thank me, Xiao Wei."  "If you guys are done being crybabies can we finally enjoy this night?", grumbled Yubin and Lei turned to the guy smiling. "Hell Yes! Let's get this party started!!!" 

Music blared from the speakers and the entire group ran back to the clearing, bouncing with the music. With the delicious snacks, beers, and wine the celebration soon turned crazy, with everyone laughing and dancing. People howled with laughter drunk out of their minds as they grooved to the music, Aunt Su and Yubin seeming to be in a competition of sorts and Zhan was so tired after an hour of jumping and dancing that he had to sit down. "Someone needs to tell him", Yichen spoke from beside Zhan panting just like the Omega, his eyes pinned on a dancing Wang Lei and Zhan laughed. "Oh, come on. Let the old man enjoy."  "I swear he will break something tonight."  "That's what you said the last time he danced." The Alpha winced when Lei began moving his hips sideways and soon Liu Fang joined the man, both men now vigorously moving. Zhan almost doubled over laughing his ass off and Yichen fell off his chair. "Fuck! My belly hurts", the Alpha complained and Zhan laughed even harder. Seeing the carefree laugh on Zhan's face, Yichen's eyes softened and he smiled. "It's been a while since you laughed with me this way."  "What?", Zhan yelled over the loud music and Yichen leaned closer.

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