52. Shouldn't you??

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Staring at the peach tree before her, Wei Wei fought the lump of emotions clogging her throat. Her wolf let out a whine pushing her to give in and let it surface but Wei Wei did not give in. She knew what her wolf would do if she let it out. It would go straight to A-Fang and Wei Wei couldn't do that. She had made a decision and she had to stick by it no matter how painful it was going to be. Sighing lowly, her eyes roamed over the place taking every inch of it in carefully hoping she could burn the memory of it in her soul. Her eyes welled up again but this time she didn't fight them. She let them roll down her cheeks wishing the ache in her heart would ease a little if she let them flow. It didn't. It hurt. Worse than ever before. It wasn't the first time Wei Wei was leaving the place she had come to believe was her home. A year ago running away from the pack, a place that had been her home for her whole life hadn't been easy. Growing up knowing that her sister hated her guts, seeing her father side up to Chang Xia even when she was wrong, witnessing her entire pack look at her with disdain as she was accused of seducing Zhang Xuan...none of it had broken Wei Wei. She had left Chang territory and she had survived. Sure it had hurt but she hadn't given up. She was alone, scared, heartbroken but she had pulled through. Which is why she hoped she could do it again. Leaving Hope was a decision she had to make but this time, Wei Wei felt she would not be able to make it. She knew staying away from Hope, staying away from Liu Fang, her Zhan-ge, and Lei was going to kill her. Gradually and painfully. The knowledge brought more tears to her tears, a soft sob leaving her throat.

The sweet scent of peach blossoms usually soothed her wolf but tonight nothing was going to calm the animal within her. Swallowing hard, her fingers brushed the tears rolling down her face as she hardened her heart. This was the right thing to do. The only way. She had to keep the people she loved away from Chang Xia. She had to protect them.
Wei Wei willed herself not to but her thoughts still went to him. Her beautiful, strong, sweet, and stubborn A-Fang. Knowing that she was never going to see that man smile at her again was the hardest blow of all. She had left her mate behind. Her A-Fang had been exhausted, slumped near their door and he had not even felt her step out of the room. Seeing his beautiful face under the bright moon, Wei Wei had almost given up. The mere thought of being away from the man brought her agony but then Chang Xia's threats had come to her mind. The hate in her sister's eyes, the madness in them was enough to raise the hairs on her neck. Following that fear had come red, hot rage.

Chang Xia had finally taken everything from Wei Wei. Her father, her home, her mate, and her family. She had succeeded in doing what she wanted. Wei Wei was finally alone and the bitter wrath that Wei Wei had surrendered to gave her the courage to do something she should have done a year ago. This time, Wei Wei was not going to hide away. Since it was her life her sister so desperately wanted, Wei Wei was going to give it to her. If everyone she loved got to live another day in exchange for her life, Wei Wei was going to give it up in a heartbeat. However, she wasn't going to make it easy for Chang Xia. She was going to make that woman suffer. Wei Wei was ready to die but she was going to take Chang Xia with her. This entire fight had started because of Chang Xia and it was going to end with her. Wei Wei was going to make sure of it. Eyes flashing a bright golden, Wei Wei lightly stepped forward, determined but her feet came to an abrupt halt when she caught another scent in the air. Her form utterly still, Wei Wei swore lowly in her head hoping the man would just pass through and let her be. There was no mistaking who the scent of smoked sandalwood belonged to. Wei Wei had known everyone would be deep asleep when she had left her room. It was almost three in the morning. Wei Wei knew the Wang shifters left their posts unguarded for a minute or so as the other wolves took over. Wei Wei was counting on leaving the place undetected at that moment but she had made a fatal mistake. She had stalled for so long. She should have jumped over the wall while she had time.

"Wei Wei", the deep voice said from behind her and Wei Wei spun around with stiffened shoulders her eyes meeting with the Wang Alpha's. Wei Wei couldn't stop the feeling of trepidation that enveloped her at the sight of Wang Yibo. His hands behind his back, wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt Yibo's body appeared utterly relaxed but Wei Wei knew she was staring at an apex predator.
Her first impression of the Wang Alpha had been similar to everyone else. She had seen what everyone else had. A good-looking, powerful Alpha who took shit from no one. Wei Wei had spent her entire life around powerful men but there was something about the man before her that had her wolf retreating in fear. She had heard the rumors. Heard how the Alpha had ripped apart the head of the Lin family, heard how brutally he had punished the Alphas of the sixteen packs he now ruled and she had seen him lose control a few nights ago. There were a lot of reasons to fear Wang Yibo but, it was his ice-cold eyes that unnerved Wei Wei the most. His eyes were hardened, darkness glinting in them as if they had seen too much in life and the danger shining in the orbs was enough for Wei Wei to be wary of the man. It was only in presence of her Zhan-ge that she had seen those dark eyes show a hint of warmth. But now that Zhan was not around, the Alpha across from Wei Wei had her heart thundering in terror. Images from the night of her birthday flashing before her eyes had Wei Wei shifting uncomfortably on her feet. The white form had annihilated anything and everything in its path. She had seen this man slice through Chang Xia's people. He was a rogue wolf. Someone with no control over his animal. Someone like him was extremely dangerous. "I won't hurt you, Wei Wei." The words were meant to be reassuring but Wei Wei understood the hidden meaning in them. The Alpha wasn't going to hurt her...unless she gave him a reason to. "I...I just came to get some fresh air." "No, you didn't. You are running away." Low and deep the Alpha's tone had Wei Wei taking a small step away from the man. "Zhan won't be surprised when he hears about this. He knew you were going to run away the moment you get a chance." The mention of the elder had guilt overpowering Wei Wei and her eyes welled up. "You are making a mistake, Wei Wei." The young she-wolf was shaking her head even before the sentence was finished and something akin to compassion shined in Yibo's eyes. "Please. I need to-"  "I made the same choice you are making today five years ago. So, believe me when I say that you are making a mistake, Wei Wei." Surprise flared in her eyes and she eyed the Wang Alpha as he sat on the bench a few feet away facing her.

"I told myself that my battles were mine alone and my loved ones didn't deserve to be punished for my deeds. Isn't that exactly what you are telling yourself?" Yibo saw the girl's frozen form and he knew he had her complete attention. "You are doing the same thing I did and I want you to know that I understand it. Maybe Lei won't, Liu Fang won't, and your Zhan-ge won't understand your need to leave but I do. I understand it, Chang Wei Wei."  "And you'll still stop me?" The words came out sharper than Wei Wei intended to and she half-expected the wolf across from her to scowl at her but all she found in those eyes was sympathy. "I'll stop you because I know you'll regret this." "I won't", Wei Wei bit out and a dark brow arched at her quick response. "You think running away will keep them safe?" A stubborn jut to her chin Wei Wei squared her shoulders nodding her head once. "I brought trouble to their door. I'll make things right. I will make sure Xia doesn't touch them." Her eyes flashing amber the she-wolf growled out the words and Yibo's mouth rose in a smirk. "How will you make sure of that? By killing her?" Yibo stood up, his hands deep in his pockets and ice crept up Wei Wei's spine as he looked at her. "I've seen you fight. No matter how good you are, you are no match for the enforcers in Chang territory. Your sister won't fight fair, Wei Wei. She will make sure you suffer before you die. And even if you do manage to kill Chang Xia, do you think your father will let Hope off?" Biting her lower lip, Wei Wei willed the words to come onto her lips but the fear settled in her gut made it impossible. "He will kill everyone here at Hope to avenge his daughter, Wei Wei. Leaving Hope and trying to kill Chang Xia will be nothing less than signing a death note for everyone here. You don't want that. I can tell you what'll happen once you leave Hope. Everyone here will start searching for you, the people you love will go crazy looking for you and when your dead, mangled body turns up at their doors, something will die in them. They'll kill Chang Xia but nothing will bring you back. Your Liu Fang will follow you in death. Do you want him to die?" Tears blurred her vision and Wei Wei's shoulders sagged in defeat, her head shaking in a no. She couldn't do anything right. Couldn't keep her people safe. She was useless. "No, you are not." Her head shot up at the words and she found Wang Yibo in front of her.

"A-Fang said you don't care about any of us", Wei Wei started her eyes meeting Yibo's. "That it's only Zhan-ge whom you care about. You guys are mates and I have put him in danger. He brought me here and cared for me. She won't stop at killing me. She'll take Zhan-ge, Lei, A-Fang...all of them. She said so herself. I am responsible for all the deaths that happened here so, shouldn't you want me far away from here...from him, Yibo-ge? If anyone, it should be you who hands me over to Chang Xia. Didn't you say you will do it?" Wei Wei turned her eyes away wiping the wetness from her cheeks. "At first, I didn't see it." Her eyes met the Wang Alpha's dark ones again at the words. "I saw you and saw nothing but a spoiled she-wolf, someone who knew nothing of the true danger and pain in the world. Zhan made me see your true self. You endured your sister's hate, and despite never getting your father's affection you held onto hope. Leaving Chang territory must have been hard on you yet, you survived it. You are one strong woman, Chang Wei Wei. All you have wanted is your family's happiness, even at your own expense. I admire that. So, no. I don't want to hand you over to Chang Xia. You are not useless. You have done nothing wrong. But, you will commit a wrong if you leave tonight. As for you bringing danger to my little wolf, let me correct you. Chang Xia has threatened my mate, not you. I don't hold anything against you. She can try with all her might. I have trust in myself. I'll protect my mate with everything in me. Like an Alpha does. I know I can protect him better than anyone else. Can't you do it too?" At her silence, Yibo pocketed his hands again. "The only way to make sure Chang Xia dies is to fight her head-on. With us by your side. With your mate by your side. If you truly love your man and want to protect him, do it as an Alpha does. This is your fight, yes. But, you don't have to fight it alone, Wei Wei. You can fight with your family." Wei Wei felt a soft pat on her head and her wolf visibly cowered at the dominant vibes oozing from Wang Yibo despite the soft touch. "Feiyu is at the shelter gate right now and he'll stay there for an hour more. If you want to leave, he'll let you go. No one will stop you. You can go to Chang territory and die thinking that you died for the greater good but deep down you'll know the truth. You will die a coward and leave your mate to fend for himself." A shadow fell over Yibo's features as if was remembering something terrible. "Five years ago, I didn't know what I would lose once I crossed these shelter gates. Had no idea and if I could, I would go back in time and tell myself that nothing in this world is worth hurting my little wolf. I came extremely close to losing my everything, Wei Wei. Take it from someone who has been in your shoes. This is a mistake. I'll leave the rest to you. Think about it." Yibo walked away, leaving the she-wolf to decide her fate. He couldn't fight her inner demons. She had to do it on her own and if Zhan's words held any truth, Wei Wei would.

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