35. Don't mess with me...

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Wang Haoxuan was not surprised easily. He had learned the hard way to always keep his emotions in check knowing they could be turned against you but the Omega before him kept surprising him at every turn and Haoxuan's jaw dropped more than often in Xiao Zhan's company. The man had jumped in front of a feral wolf yesterday, had calmed down the said wolf with just a few words and then had acted as if nothing had happened. Haoxuan knew a lot of things about Xiao Zhan. Being trapped in that cage, the Omega had been the only form of solace for Wang Yibo and Yibo had talked about the man for days, always with a fond smile on his face even when half his body was bloody and broken. Xuan thought he had been surprised enough by the man before him but the Omega had proved Wang Haoxuan wrong yet again. "In case you haven't noticed, YuQi doesn't like you very much. Why do you want to talk to her?" , Xuan asked with a frown and Zhan let out a deep breath.  "Because it is necessary for me to get some things off my chest." 

"Alpha won't like this, Zhan. This is not a good idea", Xuan warned knowing Yibo would have his hide if YuQi upset Zhan again and the Omega's features softened. "I don't trust Yibo around her, Xuan. After what happened yesterday, it's best if they aren't in the same room for a while. But, I'd like to have a word with her. You can bring her here or you can take me to her." "Yibo won't like this, Zhan."  "I heard you the first time, Xuan. Go, call her."  The man looked extremely uneasy but Zhan didn't give in, crossing his arms across the chest. He had decided last night that he would talk to Xiang YuQi. Her stunt yesterday could've had drastic consequences and the woman needed to realise that. "I can ask someone else to take me to her. But, Yibo won't like it if he comes back and I am not here. You don't want your Alpha upset. Do you, Haoxuan?"  The man clenched his jaw and unwillingly left the house to call the girl. Zhan let out a sigh and pulled on Yibo's pullover from last night over his head. It was almost fifteen minutes later that Zhan heard a pair of footsteps and Xiang YuQi walked in. The woman was dressed in a floral dress with her neck and shoulders bared as if flaunting her marks but when Zhan's eyes dropped to the purple marks on her neck, he winced inwardly. Shifters did heal faster than humans but even with the accelerated healing, Xiang YuQi was sporting on ugly hand shaped bruises on her neck that looked extremely painful. "What do you want?" The woman hissed, her voice scratchy and Zhan smirked, glad that the woman had dropped all forms of pretense.

"I wanted to talk to you about yesterday", Zhan began and the girl crossed her arms across her middle glaring at him. "Want to boast about how you managed to bring Alpha back?"  "Nope. The idea did strike me first thing in the morning but you aren't important enough. I don't need to prove anything to you."  The woman's features twisted even more and Zhan almost flinched at the hatred that wafted off her. "Yibo told me he suggested you switch to another pack. Why don't you take the offer?"  "I won't leave this place. I love Yibo and I will stay by his side."  The woman squared her shoulders and Zhan mulled over her words before he spoke next. "Yibo tried to kill you yesterday, YuQi. If Haoxuan hadn't taken you out when he did, you would've died at Yibo's hands. Why do you still want to be here?"  A brief flicker of fear shined in the woman's eyes and Zhan realised that YuQi very much feared Yibo. Despite of claiming to love the Alpha, wanting to stay by his side YuQi was afraid of Yibo. "I had it under control. If Haoxuan didn't take me away I would have calmed Yibo down."  "By imitating my scent?", asked Zhan with a raised brow and the woman stiffened.

"Yibo told me about the... arrangement you both had. Interestingly, what he told me was the exact opposite of what you said that day back at the shelter. There was never a relationship between the both of you. Yibo never claimed to love you. You decided that Yibo was in love with you all on your own but in reality you aren't even friends."  "He knew it was me!", the woman screeched and Zhan's eyes narrowed at the fury directed at him. "Yibo knew it was me who was beside him not you. He never hurt me before. I was by his side for five damn years. Every time he was on verge of losing himself, I supported him. Even when pretending to be you killed me from inside, I did it! He didn't miss you when I was around, Xiao Zhan. He was perfectly fine back then.  No matter how bad his mood was he always got himself under control around me. Everything was fucking fine until you came along, Xiao Zhan. He pretends that nothing ever happened between us!"  "That's because it never did, YuQi", Zhan reminded her but the woman only became more enraged. "I was by his side all this time! Every pack meeting, every mating party, every damn day. Alpha wanted me close to him. Whenever things got difficult I sat by his side to give him peace. He needed me!"  Tears had gathered in the girl's eyes and she raked a hand through her hair, her form becoming defeated.

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