25. Did he force you?

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"Happy birthday, Uncle Shen." Zhan smiled at the Alpha who patted Zhan's back, smiling before fixing his eyes on the man behind Zhan. "Alpha Wu. It's been a long time."  "Not that long, Alpha Teng", Wu Jing responded with a smile that was all teeth and didn't look sincere to Zhan at all. "What were you guys talking about?", Shen Teng asked, his eyes dropping to Zhan's throat and the Alpha masked his surprise well seeing the marks littered across Zhan's neck that Zhan hadn't tried to cover. A primal satisfaction came to Zhan being covered in his Alpha's brands and Zhan didn't want to hide them.  "We were talking about the Alpha that has finally managed to snag Xiao Zhan away. It's Wang Yibo out of all Alphas. Can you believe it?" Zhan turned to Wu Jing again, seeing the hard look on the Alpha's face but he didn't react, not interested in engaging in more conversation. "Isn't that great, Wu Jing? He can finally enjoy his life. All these years Zhan has been hounded by stupid Alphas left and right, you being one of them. Am I right?", said Zhuocheng with an infectious smile forcing Zhan's lips to curl as well.  "I won't dispute that. I do want Zhan to be my Omega. I haven't hid my intentions from all of you."  Wu Jing's smug smile was still in place but Zhuocheng was now fiercely scowling at the Alpha. "Here you are, Shen. We all thought you ditched your own birthday party", came a voice followed by a laugh and Zhan straightened seeing the crowd of Alphas coming their way. Eyes moved from the Luo Alpha to Xiao Zhan and like always, Zhan saw the obvious interest in the gazes directed his way but this time they moved away quickly because of the marks on him. "Ah,Xiao Zhan! So good to see you. How have you been?", said an Alpha Zhan recognized and Zhan responded politely, "Well, Mr. Li."  "And what about Lei? Didn't he join you today?"  "Lei had some matters to take care of. He couldn't come tonight."  "Of course, he did. That Chang Xia has made things difficult for all of you. I heard she attacked your shelter a month ago."  "One of my wolves told me she moved to a new pack. Is that true?"  Zhan nodded his head and got the opportunity he was looking for. "She did. She couldn't stay at Hope after the attack. Chang Xia has put out all sorts of false stories to frame her sister. She has been using her father's name to force us and has even threatened us that she will kill everyone in Hope."  A man cursed and growls of disapproval left a few Alphas. "I have met Chang Wei Wei. I heard one of my wolves talking about the girl, saying that she had seduced her sister's mate and killed their unborn pup but I couldn't believe it. She is a bright, lovely girl and she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Didn't you talk to Chang Ming Jing, Shen Teng? Hope is under your protection. An attack on them is an attack on you", said Chen Yue, the Alpha female of the Chen pack and Shen Teng's fists clenched. "Chang Ming Jing refuses to deal with his daughter. She continued to terrorize the shifters at Hope despite of our warnings."  "She thinks she can get away with anything just because of her surname", spat a beta and the man by his side growled his agreement.

"Zhan, you did come to me with this problem and I downplayed it. I'd like to remedy that", said Chen Yue and hope bloomed in Zhan's heart. "And stand against the Changs? Really, A-Yue?", laughed an older Alpha and the woman's glare turned the man's way. "Just because you are a coward doesn't mean we all are, Long Yuan. If I am not wrong Chang Ming Jing took your territory across the Long river. If you didn't retaliate for the sake of your own pack, there's no chance you'll retaliate for others."  The Long Alpha's face turned a bright shade of red and some Alphas gave Chen Yue an amused smile. "I'll station my wolves to Hope, Zhan. I'll let my brother know as well. Lei is a good man and you guys don't deserve to suffer like this. I'll help you."   "Count me in", said another Alpha and Shen Teng patted Zhan's shoulder, feeling the man's happiness. "It means a lot, Alpha Chen", Zhan responded gratefully and a voice came from behind him.  "Not sure if you'll need to do that, Chen Yue." Eyes turned to Wu Jing who stepped forward, his eyes cold and hard despite of the faint smile on his lips. "What do you mean, Alpha Wu?"  "Xiao Zhan has found someone far more powerful than any of us. The Wang Pack is ready to go at war with the Changs as per Xiao Zhan's requirements."  Zhan turned to the Alpha who was openly glaring at him now and he reminded Zhan of a child throwing a tantrum.  "I didn't ask for a war among these packs, Wu Jing. I want the people at Hope to be safe, that's all", Zhan stated firmly and the man's eyes brightened a fraction. "But you did convince Wang Yibo to help you. Do tell how you achieved that, Xiao Zhan."  Zhan could feel gazes burn into the brands on his neck and his wolf growled within him at the man who was trying to insult him by implying that Zhan had slept with Wang Yibo to get the favor. "Some people are just capable of kindness, Wu Jing but I can understand the concept is new to you."  "Kind and Wang Yibo? You are either blind or downright stupid.  Don't tell me you are also one of those Omegas who can't help but sing praises of the Alphas that occupy their bed, Xiao Zhan."  The insult was enough for Zhan's control to slip and a deep growl left him that had the wolves around him stiffening at once. An Omega growling at an Alpha was not something that went unnoticed and Shen Teng grabbed his elbow from behind to warn Zhan and Zhan realised his mistake, turning his eyes to the ground at once.

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