41. Please, don't....

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The Wang Shifters along with the others left in the backyard kept their eyes on the Omegas that were huddled behind Lei, hidden behind the peach tree beside the huge table laden with presents. The gunshots could be heard no longer, silence falling on the shelter territory but they were no fools. They knew the jackals and Chang Xia were just biding time. Lei had stealthily moved and slowly the Omegas had also followed suit, getting into position. Some had managed to reach Lei while some were still hiding ready to make a run for safety when the opportunity came. The door to the common hall of the shelter was wide open and all they needed was perfect timing. Zhan held up his hand and so did Lei from the other end confirming that they could see each other. "Feiyu, on my signal." Feiyu gave Zhan a jerky nod, his claws, and fangs out just like the other shifters and Zhan let out a deep breath, letting his nerves calm down. "One... Two... Three."  Zhan snagged his hand down jumping out from behind the peach tree, charging toward the jackals.

Bullets whizzed past them but the shifters were faster as they descended upon the group of jackals shifting as they went. The two sides collided in a mix of growls, roars, and deep snarls, the animals biting into each other, and Zhan moved towards the group that was heading towards the common hall as Chang Xia rushed towards them. Claws out, Zhan lunged on the first jackal he saw tailing Aunt Su and Zi Yi, punching the bastard across the face before slashing out with his claws. Blood sprayed from the wound and the animal fell on the floor with a loud bark. Zhan jumped over a table seeing Wei Wei fight a wolf from Chang Xia's pack and a cougar came to her side, pushing the wolf off her. Feiyu's claws tore through flesh and the cougar gave Zhan a look before running behind the Omegas. 'They are too many', he realized as thirty-some jackals came running towards him. Zhan knew they planned to stop the Omegas from running to safety. The children and the Omegas could be used as bait which was why the group had zeroed upon them, trying to corner them. Thankfully, there were a lot of packs at the party tonight which was why their side was not low on number. Zhan fought dirty, growling and snarling at his enemies, and ramming into every jackal and wolf running behind the Omegas.

A dozen Wang Shifters fanned Zhan's sides and the jackals hissed as they retaliated, their loud yells and howls echoing in the glade. One of them jumped over Zhan's back, claws shredding Zhan's jacket and the Omega elbowed the enemy in his side, raking his claws through the animal's hide. "You are going to die trying to protect her, Xiao Zhan. Is she worth it?", Zhan heard from a distance and his eyes landed on Chang Xia who was standing a good distance away. The woman was smirking, a struggling wolf in her arms. It was Mo Bao, one of the lone shifters in the shelter and Zhan dashed toward Chang Xia only to halt because of the two jackals standing in his way. Zhan's eyes met Chang Xia's over their shoulders and the she-wolf laughed before she twisted hard, breaking the wolf's neck, stepping away from the limp animal. A black jackal came barrelling towards Xiao Zhan, launching himself on the Omega but a gray-black Wu Jing, tackled the beast to the ground, ripping the animal's throat out. The gray-black wolf stood beside Zhan, a menacing growl leaving him before he jumped on the group of jackals that were advancing on Zhan tearing and slashing as he went. 

"Leave, Chang Xia", Zhan warned his eyes burning a bright golden but the woman only responded with a smug smile, no fear on her face. "Or what? You going to cry for your feral Alpha? He is too busy, Xiao Zhan. By the time he comes to you, I am afraid there won't be much left of you." Zhan tried hard to keep the surprise off his face and punched another jackal right in the muzzle, sending the animal sprawling on the ground. "Your Alpha won't help you this time, Omega. He told me he wanted my death so that you would stop worrying. Well, I'll see now what the asshole thinks of you dying a horrifying death. XU FENG!!!"  At the command a dark gray wolf lunged at Zhan and knowing he had no other choice, Zhan shifted. He landed on the ground, his ink-black fur, the symbol of his status as a primary Omega gleaming under the moonlight, and his eyes the shade of molten gold shining with killer intent as he growled low at the wolf standing across from him. The gray wolf was fairly the same size as him, blood splattered on his white undercoat, and Zhan's ears perked up, his hackles rising as he rounded his enemy.

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