2. The Wang pack???

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"It's hard to imagine that her own sister is after her like this", said the Alpha female of the Luo pack grimly and Zhan sighed. "How many were found dead?", Luo Shen Teng, the Alpha asked bluntly and Zhan responded in an equally curt tone, "Nine." "I just don't understand why she needs to go to such lengths to hurt her own sister. I get that Zhang Xuan fell in love with Wei Wei and broke his bond with Chang Xia but it's not right for Chang Xia to blame Wei Wei. Her mate is at fault here. Wei Wei didn't even want him", said Zi Yi softly and Zhan couldn't blame the beta female for thinking this way. Zhuocheng's mate was extremely emotional and an elder sister herself. She couldn't believe a sister could do something like this to her own flesh and blood. "Rage makes us blind, Zi Yi. Chang Xia isn't in her right frame of mind. Her only goal is to make Wei Wei and Zhang Xuan hurt just like she is hurting. Killing Wei Wei will help her achieve that", explained Luo Fang Bian and then turned her eyes to Xiao Zhan.

"Did you try to contact Zhang Xuan, A-Zhan?" "I did. Aunt Luo. He ended up in front of the shelter and screamed the place down asking for Wei Wei. Lei and I went to talk to him and told him that Wei Wei didn't want anything to do with him. He didn't take the news well. I don't think he will stop Chang Xia. A part of him wants Wei Wei to suffer because she rejected him. I sensed resentment on him."  "Asshole", cursed Zhuocheng and Fang Bian simultaneously and Zhan's lips twitched. The mother and son were exact copies of each other and Zhan often saw the exasperation of handling them on his uncle's face. "I will put more security on the shelter and send someone to the Chang territory. Chang Ming Jing doesn't want to fight us. He made it clear to me before. Now that his daughter has attacked my grounds, she will pay for it", the Alpha growled and Zhan stood up. "Thank you, uncle." "You stay on guard, Zhan. Move into the Luo territory as soon as possible. I'll talk to Lei", Shen Teng ordered and Zhan pouted. "I can't leave, uncle. I'll be more comfortable in the shelter. Lei needs help and I won't be able to sleep well knowing they are in danger. Please." The Alpha stared at him for a moment and then sighed. "Fine. I have already said yes, put that puppy face away", Shen Teng grunted and Zi Yi laughed. "He lasted three seconds today, A-Zhan. Your pout is losing touch." "My pout isn't losing touch, Jie. Uncle's eyesight is getting worse." The Luo family laughed lightly and Zhan texted Lei that the Luo Alpha had agreed to give them more support. "There are some things that I bought for the shelter, Zhan. Make sure you take that with you tomorrow."

The next day, Zhan was boxing the new stuff the Luo Alpha had bought when he heard a car pull up in front of his house. "Zhan!!", came the loud shout and a second later, Zhan was engulfed in a hug. The rich scent of coffee teased Zhan's nose and Zhan rubbed his friend's back. "I am fine, Yichen", said Zhan smiling as he pulled away and the Alpha before him glared at him. "Lei told me about the attack. I was so fucking scared, Zhan." Zhan was in Yichen's arms again and soon, Zhan felt his bones were going to break. "I-I can't breathe, A-Chen." He said with effort and the Alpha took the tape and scissors from his hand. "You have no idea what fucked up images my mind conjured, Zhan. For a second my heart stopped. I imagined the worse and-" The Alpha let out a deep sigh looking away and Zhan rubbed the Alpha's back in soothing circles. Zhan had met Yichen three years ago when Yichen had come to Luo territory to attend a mating party and the Alpha had befriended Zhan within seconds. Zhuo Yichen didn't make friends easily and the ones who were lucky enough to be in his life, Yichen was loyal to them. Zhan was fortunate enough to be one of them. "I am fine. Stop sulking", Zhan teased and the Alpha scowled. "I will sulk as much as I want and you will tell me exactly what happened so that when I hurt Chang Xia, I pay her back with interest." "Chen-" "I have already put my people on the shelter's perimeter. I know the area is under Uncle Teng's protection but I won't sit back while that bitch destroys your home. Don't expect me to, Zhan." The Alpha's voice was stern and Zhan nodded his head, thinking it was good to have more protection. "Fine. I won't fight you on this. Help me put these things in the car. Uncle bought some stuff for the shelter." The Alpha helped Zhan move a few boxes and then drove Zhan to the shelter while Zhan told him what had happened.

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