22. I'll keep you safe...

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Yubin was on the phone talking to Yichen when he saw a black car skid across the shelter gates. The engine wasn't even shut off when Wang Yibo jumped out of the car and dashed straight towards the main building startling everyone. People moved out of his way sensing the deadly aura that clung to the Alpha and no one dared to question the man. "Yubin? You there?", the Alpha's voice came from the other end and Yubin hummed his answer his eyes glued to Yibo's form. "Anyways, tell Lei that I have information regarding Zhang Xuan. Someone saw him in one of our bars and the man has been snooping around the shelter maybe because he doesn't think Wei Wei has really joined the Wang Pack. Tell Zhan to be careful, Yubin. Zhang Xuan might resort to anything to get information on Wei Wei."  "Okay. I'll talk to Zhan about it. Got to go, A-Chen. I need to check on something."  Yubin pocketed his phone and ran in the direction the Wang Alpha had gone in only to be stopped by three Wang pack members. "You can't go any further, Yubin."  "Why the hell not? I am going to see Zhan. Move away", Yubin demanded through clenched teeth fighting the grip on him but the shifters didn't let him pass through. "Alpha has something important to discuss with Mr, Xiao. We can't let you pass through."  "What the fuck?"  Yubin started struggling harder but he was not strong enough against three shifters who were stopping him. "What is going on here?", came Lei's deep voice and Yubin called the elder's name glad to have him back. "Lei, Wang Yibo ran towards Zhan's room just now. He looked angry but these fuckers aren't letting me through."  Lei's eyes narrowed at the words and he asked the shifters to let Yubin go. "Yibo is probably up there talking to Zhan, Yubin."  "But-"  "What?"  'Yibo looked furious', were the words on Yubin's tongue but he chose to keep quiet knowing his words would be brushed away. They knew Yibo wouldn't hurt Zhan. Yubin was pretty sure the Alpha was physically incapable of laying even a hand on the Omega in the violent sense but he was still rattled because of what he had seen just now. Yibo had looked so angry, it had struck fear in Yubin's heart for Zhan.  "Don't worry, Mr, Xiao will be safe", said Feiyu in a calm tone looking up to the building and Yubin's eyes also made their way to the window of Zhan's room. Deep within him, Yubin knew that the what the man had said was true. Zhan was safe with Yibo. Yubin was pretty sure no harm would come to the Omega in Yibo's presence. The Alpha would rather cut his arm off than harm a hair on his little wolf's head.  But, Yubin just couldn't shake off the feeling in his gut. Something big was about to go down.

Zhan placed another pair of shorts in his overnight bag, trying his best to not overthink. It had been almost an hour since Yu Qi left but her words were on a loop in Zhan's head fucking him up. She said that Yibo was in love with her but Yibo had never said those words. Zhan knew Yibo wouldn't have hidden this from him no matter how painful it would have been. But what if it was true? Zhan had told her that if Yibo did love her and asked Zhan to stay away, he would do it but Zhan wasn't sure how he was going to do it. He had spent more than twenty years of his life loving Wang Yibo with everything in him. It was not going to be so easy walking away. His pride wouldn't let him stay and make a fool out of himself by pining for a man who belonged to another but could he really just stop loving Yibo? Zhan had never imagined a day like this would come where he would have to consider the possibility of getting out of Yibo's life. The thought had never crossed Zhan before even in his nightmares. He had thought he wouldn't get to see Yibo again but he had never thought that he would see a day like this. His phone started to ring bringing him out of his thoughts and Zhan saw Zhuocheng's name flashing on his screen. "A-Cheng. I was just packing a bag", he spoke as soon as the call connected and heard the man hum in approval. "Good. Dad insisted that you join us for the party this weekend. Lots of Alphas from various packs will be there and it would be good if some of them agreed to help Hope. It will be better to have you here to explain things better."   "Sure. Tell uncle I'll be there in an hour."  "See you then."  Zhan let out a deep sigh and shook his head to center his thoughts putting a few more things into his bag. He was zipping the bag when the doors to his room opened suddenly and Zhan jumped at the sound his heart pounding when he saw Yibo standing at his door eyes brimming with fury. "Where. Is. She?",came the guttural growl and Zhan took a step back instinctively when Yibo shut the door behind him. "Who are you talking about?", Zhan asked with a frown and a second later realisation dawned on him. "Ah, Yu Qi? She left about an hour ago."  Zhan focused on his task, trying to ignore Yibo as the distance between them reduced. "What did she say?"  "Nothing."  Zhan yelled out a "Hey!" when his packed bag was thrown against the door harshly and his eyes narrowed at the Alpha standing close to him. "What the fuck do you think you are doing, Wang Yibo?"  "Reminding you that ignoring me isn't what you should be doing right now. Tell me what you both talked about, Zhan." Zhan grinded his teeth together when he saw the stubborn look on Yibo's face. The bastard wasn't going to back off, it was clear from the looks in Yibo's eyes.  Unfortunately for Yibo, Zhan was not going to make this easy for him. "It really was nothing important, Wang Yibo." 

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