18. Do it...

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Zhan pulled his car over in front of the shelter and his eyes narrowed immediately just as Yubin cursed beside him. Zhan got out of his car with Yubin and both friends exchanged a look filled with confusion at the scene before them. Lei stood at the shelter gates surrounded by the packs that were helping them and across Lei stood Chang Xia, screaming and hissing. "You are lying. I know he ran away with her!!! Where the fuck is my mate, Wang Lei? WHERE IS HE???" Zhan heard the words and Lei's eyes found him,gesturing him to stay put. It could have been the fleeting glance the others cast Zhan because seconds later, Chang Xia turned around, her eyes blazing fire. She motioned at her men to get Zhan and Zhan was ready to fight his way through when he heard footsteps behind him. Yibo's scent wafted in the air and the men heading Zhan's way stopped instantly. Another growl sounded from nearby and Zhan's eyes met with Yichen's who came to stand between Zhan and the men. "Why are you here?", Yichen asked Chang Xia tersely and the woman turned to the Zhuo Alpha glaring daggers at him. "I want my mate! He came here last night and now he is nowhere to be seen. I know he has run away with that slut! Tell me where she is or-" "You call her names again and a fight will break out right here, Chang Xia", Zhan threatened and the woman fumed. "She is my sister! I will call her whatever the fuck I want, Omega. Keep your head down and keep out of my business before I teach you a lesson." "Do it." Zhan swiftly turned to Yibo at the words and the Alpha stood beside Zhan in a relaxed pose while his eyes screamed menace.

When the woman made no moves towards Zhan, Yibo crossed his arms across his chest repeating his words. "Do it. Teach him a lesson." The woman's mouth was sealed shut and Yibo took a step forward getting into Chang Xia's space smirking when the woman visibly cowered away. She wasn't the first enemy Yibo was facing. There had been dozens who had thought that Wang Yibo was all bark and would do nothing but Yibo had made them see what he was capable of. He had made them see and he had made them fear his name. Standing there, the only thing stopping Yibo from killing Chang Xia was the fact that his move would have serious repercussions. The Changs would no doubt come after everyone in Hope which wasn't what Yibo wanted. Yibo's mate cared for everyone and everything in the shifter shelter so Yibo had to make sure nothing and no one touched them. "The will to live has left you, hasn't it? Is that the reason you came here asking for your doom?", The Changs hesitantly moved to protect Chang Xia and Yibo's lips curved up at the sorry-ass attempt. "Wei Wei has joined the Wangs officially, Chang Xia. Any insult to my pack will bring horrible consequences for you. So I suggest you leave this place before I lose my patience. More than that, I suggest you watch the way you talk to Zhan." The woman's eyes widened comically at Yibo's words, wrath coursing through her and her claws dug into her palms until they drew blood. Her eyes moved towards Zhan and then back to the Wang Alpha, her lips curled in a sneer. "He is beside you right now but who will help you when you are all alone, Xiao Zhan? You will pay for this", she spat the words aggressively but the Alpha before him just dug his hands in his pockets, his eyes hardening. "Try, Chang Xia. Harm a single hair on his head and I'll burn everything you love to the fucking ground." Yibo's words had a lot of shifters fidgeting and the Wang Alpha's eyes flashed golden in anticipation but he was disappointed. With a growl, the woman turned away stomping to her car and with a screech, the cars drove away. "Cowards."

"When did she get here?", Zhan asked Lei who stood massaging his throbbing temples. "Half an hour ago. Wanted to go inside and search for Zhang Xuan. The others were here, they stopped her from going inside", elaborated Lei and Zhan's gaze expressed his gratitude to all the shifters that were standing at the gates. "She claimed that Zhang Xuan ran away with Wei Wei." "Wei Wei is with A-Fang at Wang territory. He must have left town or her crazy ass finally made him snap and leave her", Guo Cheng grunted and Lei shook his head sighing out loud. "Let's get inside. The entire thing has given me a headache."  Zhan nodded his head and walked back to his car to get his things but a call of his name stopped him. "A-Zhan!" Yichen came to his side helping him unload the car and Zhan's eyes unconsciously moved to Yibo who had anger radiating off from feets away. Yibo glared at the Alpha standing beside Zhan and snarled which honestly, scared Zhan.  Even when he knew his actions would only make Yibo angrier, Zhan pulled Yichen behind him announcing to the Wang Alpha that Yichen wasn't to be harmed. Zhan stared at Yibo for a while, saw the pain and madness on Yibo's face and after a few heartbeats Yibo turned away, walking inside the shelter. "You don't need to protect me, Zhan. I can take care of myself", said the man behind him and Zhan raised his eyes to Yichen's nodding his head managing a small smile.  "Is everything okay?", Zhan asked and just as he said the words despair filled the other man's eyes, his head hanging low. "I...I am sorry, Zhan. I shouldn't have left you alone."  "Don't apologize, Chen. You have nothing to be sorry for", Zhan started only to get stopped by a harsh shake of Yichen's head. "I do. I should have been here with you but I let my feelings fuck me up. Zhan...I will be here from now on. Whatever you face...you aren't alone. And, I am sorry for ghosting you." Yichen's eyes raised never from the ground and the sight made Zhan feel uncomfortable. "You don't owe me anything, A-Chen. You have a life out of Hope. There's nothing to forgive", Zhan said with a smile but a serious look came onto Yichen's face. "I have my life here in Hope, Xiao Zhan. You are here and I am done pretending I don't feel anything for you. Which was why I came here today in first place. To tell you that, Yibo's presence changes nothing for me. What I feel won't just go away because he is here. I won't back off just because he showed up", the words were laden with steel and for a second there was nothing that Zhan could say. "Yichen, I have said it before-" "I remember what you said, A-Zhan. Believe me when I say that I won't ever forget your words. But, that doesn't mean I won't fight for you. I don't care how much history you both have between you. I want to be a part of your future. Your past doesn't concern me. And I am not scared of Wang Yibo. I'll fight for you even if it is the last thing I do." Yichen walked away with those words leaving a stunned Zhan behind.

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