46.Let me love you...

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"You are such an idiot, Wang Yibo", Zhan's arms tightened around his mate and he held onto Yibo's shaking body as his own tears fell. "What goes in that thick skull of yours? Are you out of your mind?" The Alpha sniffled against Zhan fighting half-heartedly to get himself free and Zhan pressed his lips fiercely to Yibo's shoulder breathing him in. "You foolish Alpha. Did you really think I didn't know about this? There's nothing about you that I don't know, baby lion. I know you threatened them. But it wasn't your threat that made them back off. It was mine. I told Lei I would run away with you if they tried to separate us. You weren't keeping me chained...I followed you wherever you went. I was clinging to you with everything in me. I was afraid you would find someone else to dote on, that you would fall for someone else. I was uber-possessive of you, Yibo. Still am.  I never needed a pack. Never needed a family. All I needed was you, baby lion. Because I was hopelessly in love with you. I am not making any sacrifices here, baby. It has always been you. You refused to leave me at the hands of those jackals that night. You stayed patient with me all those years...raised me, and loved me when no one did. You stayed in that shelter for so long because of me. When all those packs told Lei they would like to take a powerful Alpha like you to join them, you always refused. Because you were afraid of leaving me alone. Whenever I got scared, you eased my heart. Whenever I got sick, you nursed me back to health. Whenever I needed someone, you silently walked in solving all my problems. You knew what I needed even before I asked for it. I can never hate you, baby lion. Never. I would be a fool to hate you. The only thing I can do is fall deeper in love with you. That's it. So, have some faith in me. Have some faith in 'us'. I am asking you to trust me." 

Hands raked through Yibo's hair, Zhan's lips fluttering over his mark, pleasure shooting through his veins when Yibo shuddered. "I promise you...the days you get too angry, I'll wait for you to calm down. If you are too scared, I'll hold you close in my arms just like this so that nothing hurts you. If you get nightmares, I wake you up and chase your demons away. No matter what happens... I'll be here, Yibo. I'll not leave you. I'll never hate you. I'll never regret being with you." Zhan felt Yibo's tears roll down his shoulder and the Omega's hold around his Alpha got stronger. "I know you are tired of fighting alone, baby lion. Despite what you say, I know you want this. It's all you've ever wanted just like me. So, don't push me away. I marked you for the right reasons, Yibo. I marked you as mine because I want you, I care for you...I love you. You are denying us this for all the wrong ones." Pulling back, Zhan held Yibo's face in his palms and smiled at the Alpha. "It has been too long. Let me bring you back home, baby lion." The Alpha let out another sob, one that brought tears to Zhan's eyes, and the next second Zhan was engulfed in an embrace so tight, it hurt. "Zhan." The lone word was filled with so much anguish it had Zhan tearing up. "I should have taken you in my arms as soon as you came back. Should've marked you the day I turned eighteen. There's no one else for me, baby lion. I need you to love me. Need you to make me yours. Don't make me wait any longer. Give me what I want."  Hearing the words, the willpower to fight his fate left Yibo. The defenses he had built up for so long came crashing down and all Yibo could see then was how much he wanted this. Yibo didn't want to fight it any longer. He didn't want to be without his little wolf any longer. Zhan gasped when was backed into the wall with Yibo's arms caging him and his hands dug into Yibo's hair holding onto him just as tight. "I...I tried, Zhan. I...I can't do it anymore. Don't want to leave you. D-don't want to be without you. Zhan...Zhan... Don't let me go." 

Zhan wasn't expecting it when it happened but suddenly his body went haywire, his breath hitched when Yibo's mouthwatering scent filled his lungs. Yibo also froze against him releasing a guttural groan that seemed to rise from deep within him and claws pricked Zhan's sides when Yibo pulled him closer. "Zhan", Yibo moaned against him mouthing the skin on Zhan's neck, scoring his teeth at the juncture of Zhan's neck and shoulder and that is when it hit Zhan. It was the mating urge. Their connection had sparked to life. Yibo had accepted it. Accepted his claim. Accepted their future together. Zhan parted his lips to speak but moaned instead when Yibo suddenly sucked the hollow of his throat hard. Red-hot arousal slammed into Zhan and his body tightened with need, his mouth going dry as a bone. His wolf growled within him, a raw hunger coursing through his blood, and Zhan took in a deep breath, taking in the scent of sandalwood belonging to his mate that heated his blood even more. "Fuck", Yibo cursed in Zhan's ear and Zhan's lips quirked at their sides. "Yeah. I do think we need to fuck." Golden eyes settled onto Zhan's face, taking him in with such intensity, Zhan felt utterly exposed.

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