3. Why is he doing this?

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"It's fishy, Yichen", said Zhan sharply and the man in the other end agreed. "I agree. Why would someone provide you so much support and request that his identity isn't disclosed? It's a weird demand, Zhan." Yichen stated gruffly and Zhan moved the curtains from his window, watching the Wang shifters guarding Hope. "The fact that Lei agreed and is refraining from telling me out of all people is weirder to me." Zhan's gut told him there was more to the story than Lei was telling him. In the past twenty years, Lei had shared all the good and bad of his life with Xiao Zhan. Zhan was surprised at how tight-lipped Lei was being about the matter. "The Wang pack wasn't in the picture four years ago", Yichen started and Zhan's ears perked up at the info.

"You mean it's a new pack?"  "Yeah.The Wangs have all sorts of shifters in their pack. They prefer to stay by themselves but their Alpha has been collecting territories all around. No one knows much about the Alpha's history and the man is a "ghost" for the lack of a better word. I put some people on work but someone has erased all his tracks. The only thing I found was that they razed a big wolf pack to the ground. One that had been hunting shifters to sell them."  "You are talking about the Lins", Zhan supplied and Yichen hummed at the other end. The Lin family had been a bunch of assholes who had betrayed their own kind in the worst ways possible. For almost three decades they had been hunting shifters and selling them in the market like they were a fucking commodity. Little cubs, Omegas and even some powerful Alpha breeds had been hunted, killed and sold by those monsters. It had been a relief when a nameless group had wiped the Lins off. Zhan finally had a name to give to the ones who had been responsible for the deed. It had been the Wang pack. "Why would Lei ask someone like him for protection?", Zhan wondered aloud and heard Yichen turn some pages. "Because no one messes with the Wangs. I did some research. The Alpha has never lost a challenge. They started from nothing and in a span of four years managed to gain control of sixteen packs all over the country. If someone like him will be on your side forget The Changs, even the biggest packs around the world won't dare to touch Hope. It isn't a bad thing if he is on your side". "But, why would someone like him help us? I know there are kind people in the world but the Changs are not just a bunch of hooligans. The Wang pack have put themselves in middle of this fight and-" "Maybe Lei has some sort of leverage over the Alpha. Maybe a favor he has finally called on", Yichen said thoughtfully and Zhan bit his lips, the wheels in his head turning at the suggestion. "That could be true. Lei has helped so many people, maybe the Alpha owes him and is just repaying a debt. He doesn't want his past exposed and that's why he is asking Lei to keep it quiet," Zhan deduced and Yichen agreed. "Your theory has substance." "It makes sense. God, I hope this is what it is. We need someone like him on our side." Zhan slid inside the comforter and let out a deep sigh. "This is bothering you, isn't it?", Yichen asked and Zhan raked a hand through his hair, huffing. "The last time Lei kept a secret from me, I didn't react to it well. It doesn't feel right that he is hiding things from me. I don't want Lei to worry alone. But, from a third person's perspective I understand what he is doing and I know his intentions aren't bad. Knowing that so many lives are at stake, I am just a little paranoid and it's making me a bitch", Zhan groaned and heard Yichen laughing. "You can never be a bitch, Zhan. Annoying, yes. Adorable, yes. Never a bitch." "Just like you can never be a smartass. Anyways, my brain is fried. I need sleep or I will be growling and snarling the entire day tomorrow. Night, A-Chen." "Good Night, A-Zhan",came the soft whisper and Zhan hung up the phone, his eyes moving back to the windows. 'I hope you can help us' was his last thought as he fell into a deep slumber.

"What?", spat Chang Xia and the man before her trembled badly. "Wang Lei has support of the Wangs, the Luos and the Zhuo pack now, Miss Chang. There are around eighty shifters guarding the shelter around the clock. It's impossible to attack now." The man kept his eyes low as he spoke and winced when a glass vase near him shattered. "That fucking bastard. Still refuses to learn his lesson. I am going to kill each and every one of those stray mutts. What has that Wei Wei done to incite such loyalty from them? They are still not throwing her out on the streets. I bet that slut has been using her body to get their support. Fucking bitch! I will show them what I am made of. Find out who the Alpha of that new pack is. Tell him who he is messing with. Arrange a meeting with Zhuo Yichen as well."

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