27. Look at me...

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"You sure, Xiao Wei?", Zhan asked through his phone and heard a loud groan on the other end. "I am fine, Zhan-ge. It was just a sprain! A-Fang is just being his usual overprotective self", she complained but the frown on Zhan's face didn't ease. "He is not being overprotective, it's you who is being stubborn.You don't have to push yourself, Wei Wei. Don't do anything stupid. You hear me?", Zhan warned and his tone made the young girl on the line shut up. "Yes, Zhan-ge. I'll be careful",she grumbled and Zhan asked her to hand the phone over to Liu Fang. "Hello, Zhan-ge."  "Make sure she takes care of her leg, A-Fang. Don't let her train for a few days. If she gives you puppy eyes and tries to act cute, you call me." The man on the other end agreed and Zhan let out a sigh disconnecting the call after telling the young Alpha to take care. "What did she do this time?", Lei asked with a smile and Zhan buried his head in his hands, frustrated and worried. "She was training with the Wang Shifters and sprained her ankle. They told her to rest but she didn't listen. A-Fang told her not to push herself but she just gave him a pitiful look and the guy melted on spot. Her leg is completely swollen, she can't even move it anymore but she was still insisting on training. You know how hard headed she can get."  Lei's brows raised at the words and Zhan could guess the lion shifter was upset as well. They considered Wei Wei a part of their family, she was a little sister to them so they couldn't help but worry about the she-wolf. "Why is she training so hard? I thought she was just learning basic skills!", Lei growled in annoyance and Zhan shrugged a shoulder. "She thinks Chang Xia will come for the shelter or Wang pack soon. She is trying to make herself useful. She wants to be a part of the fight."  "Like hell she does! Tell her to stay put in her room. She isn't going anywhere near that crazy woman", burst out Wang Lei and Zhan patted the elder's back feeling the exact same fear Lei felt. They knew how dangerous Chang Xia could be so, they didn't want Wei Wei anywhere near the crazy woman.  "I told her to ease off, she agreed for now. We will visit her soon", Zhan reassured and Lei's attention turned to something else. "What about A-Ling, A-Zhan? Did you talk to Yibo about taking her in for a while? I never got a chance to talk to him about it."  "He did." The words had come from behind the two men and Zhan turned to see Yibo walking in. Zhan would never say it out loud but he loved seeing Yibo walk. It was smooth, proud, purposeful and all kinds of hot which did good things to Zhan's Omega self. It was beyond him how Yibo managed to make a simple day-to-day thing so erotic but that was the effect Wang Yibo had on Xiao Zhan. The man would just lock eyes with him and Zhan felt his heart skipping a beat. The Alpha made his way to the Omega and he casually put his arm over Zhan's shoulder, pulling him a little to Yibo's side like he had done a million times before and Zhan's wolf raised his head, wanting to nuzzle his Alpha like he had wanted to for the past couple of days and Zhan controlled himself for the nth time.

Six days had passed since the episode in Zhan's bedroom and seemed like all Yibo had needed was a signal from Zhan because now the Alpha was in Zhan's personal space every minute of the day. The Alpha had stayed in Hope for the past couple of days and he spent his days following Zhan and breathing him in to his heart's content. Zhan hadn't questioned Yibo regarding his captivity again and he got that Yibo was thankful for it. Their days were spent taking care of the shelter, making sure their defences were strong and rest of their time, Zhan spent it channelling calm energy into the Alpha. On Zhan's suggestion, Yibo had shifted a few times and Zhan had spent some time with his wolf trying to settle the animal. He had found that Yibo didn't shift as often as before because of how violent his wolf was but he was yet to do anything violent in Zhan's presence. The animal was still wary but the growls and snarls had decreased over time and now, there was a big pile of Zhan's hoodies on his bedroom floor that the wolf liked to sleep on. Zhan understood that the animal didn't trust anyone but Zhan has realised that the animal trusted him to some extent. Yibo had told him that his wolf felt safe in Zhan's company because he knew Zhan would never hurt him but honestly, Zhan understood why the wolf didn't let his defenses down.
Over these days, Zhan had realised how much Yibo was truly suffering. Yibo kept an iron-clad control at all times on his wolf, nearly suffocating the animal and was extremely careful with the way he approached things now. He was no longer the carefree Alpha Zhan had known and the realisation had hurt Zhan. One night, Zhan had woken up to Yibo's muffled cries and when he got up, he had seen the Alpha in the corner of his room, knees upto his chin as he cried with a fist in his mouth. A whiff of air and Zhan had found how deep Yibo's fear and shame was. Zhan hadn't thought of anything else, he had just taken Yibo in his arms, had rubbed the Alpha's head and let him cry on his shoulder until Yibo finally fell asleep due to exhaustion. Things were hard for Yibo, Zhan could see Yibo trembling due to his overwhelming emotions sometimes but the Alpha still tried to smile and act as if things were okay and it made Zhan wonder how long Yibo had been forced to keep this facade up. Zhan wondered if Yibo was tired of it all.

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