47. Never Stop...

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Trailing his mouth down Zhan's chest Yibo latched onto a nipple, flicking his tongue across the hard bud, slowly driving Zhan crazy. Every whimper, every moan that left his little wolf's mouth burned him even hotter. Zhan's chest heaved under him, his sweet scent assaulting Yibo's senses, and goosebumps pebbled Zhan's flesh as Yibo kissed his way down to his flat abdomen, his grip slowly turning bruising. A hand crawled up Zhan's thigh and with a hard pull, Zhan's legs were forced apart as Yibo settled between his thighs. The Alpha's eyes were glued to Zhan's body and they flashed a bright golden when his heavy gaze settled on Zhan's glistening opening. Perfect. "My little wolf saved himself for me, didn't he?" The words were low but laced with an emotion Zhan didn't dare name. Yibo's eyes rose to Zhan's face and the dark eyes narrowed a fraction when Zhan didn't answer immediately. Zhan hadn't been with anyone, the mere idea of sharing this passion with someone else felt like a crime but Zhan didn't voice that out loud, his eyebrow arching instead. "What if I didn't? Will that change anything?" Zhan gasped when Yibo palmed his ass and yanked him towards himself. Sharp claws dug into the plump flesh and Yibo leaned over him grinding their hot, heavy erections together.

"I'll ask you again. Did anyone touch you, little wolf? Did anyone else see you this way?" Zhan swallowed hard at the darkness glinting in Yibo's eyes but the temptation to see how far he could push Yibo was too much. "For someone who said I could warm up another Alpha's bed without batting an eyelid you are acting a little too possessive, baby lion." Yibo's eyes turned a threatening shade of crimson and the Alpha snarled before diving his face into Zhan's neck, biting hard. Zhan's back bowed off the bed but a frustrated groan left him at the realization that Yibo hadn't broken skin. The bastard was still toying with him. "Please", Zhan begged needing his mate to mark him inside out and a hot tongue lapped up the skin of his throat, Yibo's face coming into view again. His hand made its way down between Zhan's legs and the pad of the Alpha's thumb pressed against Zhan's puckered flesh, the soft touch making Zhan arch off in Yibo's grip. "It will be wise of you to not goad me, Zhan-Zhan. Tell me now if you let someone have what's mine. Tell me now if there's anyone on the face of this earth that knows what you look like drowning in pleasure." Yibo's head dipped low to mouth at Zhan's collarbone while his finger worked slowly inside Zhan reducing Zhan to a moaning mess. "Tell me." "There's no one", Zhan groaned and he felt Yibo's mouth curving into a smile against his skin. "My sweet little wolf. It's good that you didn't let anyone touch what's mine. Because if you had, I would have skinned that man alive, little wolf. Selfish as it may be, only I get to see you lose your mind. The thought of you with someone else sets my soul on fire. Drives my beast crazy." "Then why did you say those words back then?", Zhan reprimanded in a grim tone and Yibo's head hung low in shame. Guilt and shame lapped Zhan's skin and cupping Yibo's neck, Zhan stared at his Alpha. "No matter what happens in the future, you won't say those words again. Suggest something like that ever again and I'll make sure you are incapable of saying anything else for the rest of your life. Am I clear?" Yibo's wolf miffed at the authoritative tone just for a second before he went back to his obedience. Yibo wasn't sure if he should be happy or annoyed at his wolf's reactions to Zhan. The whipped fucker was a goner through and through. "I won't ever say those words again", Yibo repeated the words, meaning them from the core of his heart, and got a blinding smile in return. "Good. Now make sure no one else ever touches me."

Zhan's body fell cold when Yibo moved away to shuck off his jeans but all he got was a few seconds before his body was covered in Yibo's warmth again. Coating his fingers with Zhan's slick, the Alpha pressed his fingers inside Zhan again sending a shudder down Zhan's spine and drawing his name off the Omega's lips with a low moan. Yibo pumped his fingers in and out of Zhan, the pace urgent yet gentle, his own breaths coming off chopped because of the tantalizing sight before him, and seeing their leaking cocks rubbing against each other, Yibo moaned aloud. Not in control of himself anymore, Yibo covered Zhan like a blanket and pressed his mouth to Zhan's, feeling arms come around his waist and grip him tight. "Please, Yibo. Don't make me wait." The sight of Zhan begging him so prettily with wild abandon had Yibo's wolf growling with satisfaction. Lining himself up to Zhan's opening, Yibo stared down at his mate letting him prepare for what was to come when their gazes met. "I'll never let you go. I will worship you for as long as I live and protect you forever, Zhan-Zhan. Anything that you want... everything that you need... I'll be that person for you. You are the other half of my soul, little wolf. The only light in my dark life and I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy. Everything. All I ask from you is to never leave my side. If you can... accept me. Please, love me."

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