4. A request...

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"I can't move a limb. Fuck!", cried Yubin and Zhan chuckled, hissing when his own sore muscles cried out in pain. "If I had known it will be this ardous, I wouldn't have joined in. Shit! It feels like we are in a military camp", Guo Cheng yelped and Zhan laughed. "Lei wasn't lying. The Wangs are good at this. No wonder they haven't lost any battles. Each one of them is built like a mountain." It had been well over ten days since the Wang shifters started giving the shelter members defense classes. The scary looking bunch was extremely strict and didn't allow anyone to slack even in the slightest. Zhan himself was impressed with their skills but he also wanted to complain. Lei was not taking part in training but he had implored Zhan to attend the sessions. "The others will feel better seeing a familiar face", Zhan was told but here he was, half dead with exhaustion and in no shape to do anything else for the rest of the day. "Did you see Aunt Su asking one of them out on a date?", Zhan snickered at Guo Cheng's words remembering the frightened look on the tiger shifter's face. The man had been all glares and scowls the entire session but as soon as Aunt Su had asked him out, the man had paled and run away like his ass was on fire. "Did you see her playing with her hair while she asked him out? I am all about age is just a number but man...I draw a line here." Yubin and Cheng laughed and Zhan joined in, his ribs hurting with the movement.

"They are so happy", said Yubin, his voice serious all of a sudden and Zhan nodded. "They feel stronger. After the attack, everyone was very angry. What the Changs did to Li Jie and the others is still fresh in everyone's memory. This is a good way to channel that anger and they think they can take revenge on Chang Xia now. I think it's a good thing they are feeling confident."  "Have you met this Wang Alpha?",Guo Cheng suddenly asked and Zhan shook his head. "I heard his pack has different kinds of shifters. It's strange that they listen to their Alpha. He must be a really dominant Alpha", Yubin added and Zhan just shrugged a shoulder.  "Maybe. Lei is the only one in contact with him. No one else has seen him. Yichen couldn't find anything either", Zhan responded and Yubin's face became thoughtful. "What are you thinking?", Zhan questioned and Yubin shrugged. "It's just hard to believe someone cares about us. We have been disappointed so often in our life, it's hard to digest that a complete stranger is being so considerate. It's just fucked up how difficult it is to accept kindness these days", Yubin rambled on and Zhan sat up, staring out the window. "You okay?",Yubin asked bumping their shoulders and Zhan nodded, gathering his stuff. "I'll be right back. Are you coming with me to visit your sister tonight?", Zhan asked and Yubin sighed in exasperation. "Yeah. She has been complaining that she can't remember my face anymore", Yubin said rolling his eyes and Guo Cheng laughed. "And you are going to visit her otherwise she will get all scary and kick all of our asses."  "I forgot how dramatic she is when she wants to be. Anyways, you guys hit the shower I will just be back." Zhan ran to the dining hall and found the ten Wang shifters seated together, enjoying a meal.

"Hey guys!", Zhan greeted and like they always did, the men and women stiffened immediately in Zhan's presence. It had bothered Zhan at first how the bunch was so hostile to him but he had never said anything about it. They never talked to Zhan never even looked at him. It was almost like Zhan didn't exist for the Wang Pack. Even if he was doing something wrong in the training session no one ever came forward to correct him and yes, Zhan had noticed it. He had tried figuring out what the issue was but there was no hatred he could scent on the people. To his surprise, there was actually a faint scent of fear on them when Zhan was around which was weird as fuck. Zhan was a lean man, a wolf shifter, an Omega at that and  he had been told that he had a friendly face so no one had really been intimidated by his presence before. It was new and Zhan wasn't sure what to make of it. "Is there anything we can help with Mr. Xiao?", asked a man politely and Zhan's thoughts came to a halt as he smiled at the cougar before him. "Yes, actually. Could you please request your Alpha to visit Hope once? He has done so much for us and it doesn't feel right that we haven't thanked him properly." Zhan was smiling as he talked but that smile dimmed when he saw how uncomfortable the Wang shifters were. The man who had talked to him was staring hard at the ground and the others were acting as if Zhan wasn't there and Zhan had had enough.

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