23. Only you...

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A growl erupted from Yibo's throat and the sound was so deep and chilling, it was frightening. The Alpha trembled badly over Zhan, sweat beading on his forehead because Yibo was still trying to hold onto whatever little control he had left. His claws protruded from the tips of his fingers, wanting to cut through flesh, bathe in blood and it was hard to focus on anything else but the bloodlust clouding his head. Zhan stared at the man above him, at loss of words before he called Yibo's name softly. "Yibo..look at me. It's me, baby lion."  Zhan could see Yibo trying to forcefully rein his wolf in and he knew this wasn't the right way to deal with the issue. Xiao Zhan had tried his best to get his hands on every piece of information on feral wolves available and had tried to understand Yibo's situation better. From what he had gathered, a wolf went feral under two circumstances. One, when someone's mate died and the mating bond was broken abruptly and the second was emotional trauma that the person or their wolf endured. Since, Yibo was an unmated male the first reason was out of the picture so, Zhan had deduced that Yibo had suffered through a disturbing experience which had caused Yibo to lose control over his wolf. The Omega's heart ached to know that his Yibo had gone through something so terrible, something so distressing that it had scarred him for life. Wolves were tough motherfuckers and the Alphas even more so. It wasn't easy to break an Alpha and if something had brought such maddening fury and fear in Wang Yibo, it had to be something awful. While Zhan understood Yibo's decision of suppressing his animal to take control of the situation, this solution wasn't an ideal one. Unless they got rid of the wolf's anger and fear, he would keep fighting with Yibo which was not good. It wasn't easy to not be at peace with your inner animal. If they weren't careful and the wolf got emotionally unstable, he would overpower Yibo, go violent and bringing Yibo back from that would be impossible. Zhan had no intention of losing Yibo so he had decided he would do everything in his power to help the man. Whether Yibo wanted to or not.

Brushing his thumb over the Alpha's nose, Zhan pulled Yibo closer to him not letting the growls and snarls scare him. Zhan assumed that if the feral Alpha wanted to hurt him, he would have done it a long while ago. Their faces were inches away when Zhan channelled some calm energy into the Alpha, lightly moving his thumb over the Alpha's nose, the action gentle and endearing.  Zhan was aware of how the Alpha was breathing him in, reducing the distance between them by his own choice and Zhan welcomed the man.  Hands came around Zhan's waist, the grip tightening while the Alpha squeezed his eyes shut, still shaking. Zhan could see Yibo struggling, trying to hold himself back while all Zhan wanted from the man was to let go. Zhan raised his head up placing his lips softly over the man's forehead, smiling even when Yibo's red eyes narrowed at him. "It's okay. It's your little wolf. I'll get you through this, Yibo. " Zhan rose up again to press a soft kiss to Yibo's nose then pressing his forehead to the Wang Alpha's. A warm tear rolled down Yibo's cheek followed by a sniffle and Zhan pulled the Alpha even closer, letting Yibo bury his face in his chest. Pressing his lips to Yibo's head, Zhan calmed his Alpha with his soothing touches thanking the heavens when he felt the dark aura dim around them slowly. It seemed like hours had passed when Yibo raised his head again,the Alpha's dark brown, misty eyes shining with pain. "I..I can't hide it anymore, Zhan-Zhan", Yibo confessed softly making Zhan's eyes water as well.  The heavy scent of fear in the air was making Zhan's skin itch and his wolf released a low whine pushing at Zhan to do something to help their mate. "You don't have to pretend with me, baby lion. I'll take it all. The good...the bad and the ugly. I'll help you. I promise I'll keep you safe." 

Staring at the dark, warm eyes and hearing those words off his little wolf's lips felt so good, it was as if a huge weight had lifted off Yibo's heart and the man felt so tired, he slumped over his Omega's form, faint tremors still running through his body. Yibo's wolf was no longer fighting to surface, rather the animal was calm, grounded to have Zhan's scent surrounding him. Arms came around Yibo's back, holding him tight and warm puffs of air hit Yibo's ear when Zhan spoke gently to him. "Let me help you, Yibo. You can't deal with this alone."  The hold on Zhan tightened momentarily before Yibo buried his face in Zhan's neck. "I've managed for the past five years. Don't worry about it. I should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around ", the Alpha bit out softly and the words made Zhan frown. "Stop with this Alpha bullshit! You aren't managing, Wang Yibo. You are trying to suppress your animal. Do you even realize how drastic the consequences can be for you? You aren't making things better. You are making it worse by not giving your wolf what he wants. If this goes on and one day your wolf truly succumbs to his anger, you might not come back from it. Do you know this?"  Yibo didn't say a word, raising himself up but a growl left him when a hand grabbed the back of his neck and Zhan pulled him back.  "Everytime you suppress your wolf, he will fight back harder than before, Yibo. And one day, you won't be able to rein him back."  "That won't happen. I have it under control. I am stronger than him", Yibo seethed, gritting the words out and Zhan let out a scoff, a sound that didn't make Yibo happy. "You Alphas are such stupid pricks! Your ego isn't going to help you, Yibo. Whether you agree or not you need help."

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