jai and pizza(chapter-2)

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(Two person were fighting over a shirt)(so the two person were sid and fai)( the third was eating pizza and he was jai and the fourth person was watching them they all were aliens)

Fai- I brought this Shirt from my money... So,it should be mine... You go and wear something else..you have many clothes lying untouched in your cupboard..

Sid- well it doesn't matters... If the Siddharth nigam likes something then it is his...

Fai- sid..try to understand.. If someone got to know that the Siddharth nigam was fighting over a Shirt then what people think...

Sid- I don't give a damn about what will people think..I just want this shirt..u can get a thousands shirts in your cupboard..then why do you want this one??

then why do you want this one??

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The shirt

Sid- jai..you tell..on whom will this shirt look good

Jai(while eating pizza)-it will look on fai because he he makes and give me very tasty pizza's...

(Sid glared at jai)

Jai- but it will also look good on sid as he brings tasty pizzas for me..

(Suddenly abhi spoke in anger)

Abhi- today is our first day in new college and you both are fighting like kids and that too over a shirt.. Grow up boys..you both give me the shirt..no one will this shirt..

(He snatched the shirt and both of them groaned)

Abhi- and mr.jai...how is your dieting going on..

Jai- it is going good..see in this pizza there is tamato,capsicum and onion.. I am on a healthy diet..

Abhi- accha..what about the pizza base and
Extra cheese..you will not eat pizza..this is my order..

(He even snatched the pizza from jai's hand... Jai felt heartbroken... But he could Not do anything so he decided to remained quite..)

Abhi- you guys have 15 minutes with you...go and get ready otherwise you will have to face the consequences..

(Everyone went for getting ready..within 10 mins every one came as they were scared of abhi..)

Sid's outfit

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Sid's outfit

Abhishek's outfit

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Abhishek's outfit

Abhishek's outfit

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Fai's outfit

Jaijeet's outfit

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Jaijeet's outfit..

Fai- sid..I am pretty sure that in this college also girls would die over you.. U look so dashing dude..

Abhi- but sid I have heard from somewhere that your physcho ex even changed the college and she coming to this college only..

Sid- you know Bhai, I know how to deal with Rits and yaa its a new college...so...I guess we have to find new people to bully around..

Abhi- but sid..

Jai- we are getting late...can we talk later.

Sid- yes..we should go now..

(They all went to their new college)

Thats it for this chapter..


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