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A long chapter... Enjoyyy..

Vai- so.. Actually.. Uhmm..

Avu- when are u gonna say the name..?? When I will get heart attack due to tension??

Vai- actually this ring is given by non other than abhishek nigam...

Sid- what the hell!!!

Vai- beheave with your language Siddharth nigam..

Sid- uhmm...sorry.. But when did it all happened??

Reem- I am gonna tell this..

Avu- please tell fast other due to the shock I am gonna go to the ambulance and then hospital and then ICU..

Jan- geez avu.. Calm down..

Reem- so actually after u both went for practice  for the dance a boy came to vai and proposed her infront of the college...


Boy- vaishnavi from the first moment I saw u I falled in love with u.. I want you to become mine forever... I love you... Please date me...

Vai- I am really sorry.. But I don't love you.. I don't wanna break your heart but I love someone else..

(Everyone was shocked listening this.. But abhi was feeling jealous..)

Boy- its fine.. I understand.. I hope u will get a good boy for u..

Abhi- she will get a nice boy.. U don't need to be worried about her..

(The boy left)

Vai- abhi there was no need to be rude with that boy.. He behaving nicely with me..

Abhi- whatever..

(Abhi rolls his eyes and goes to his class.. Everyone left too)

*skips to the lunch break*

(All were sitting in the canteen except sidneet as they were busy in doing romance I mean dance😏)

Jai- guys let's play t or d..

All- ok..

The bottle lands on jai

Jai- I will go with t

Fai- how many pizzas have u eaten since morning?? Answer honesty...

Jai- I Have not eaten much.. I have only eaten paneer pizza, tandoori pizza, tamato pizza, farmhouse pizza and capsicum pizza since morning and my onion pizza is coming..

Reem- you are such a monster.. I feel bad for your wife..

Jai- why do u care about my wife..

(Reem's sees jai angrily and everyone laughs )

(Now it was vai's turn..)

Vai- I will go with t..

Abhi- u said in the morning u love someone else.. Who is that someone else..

Vai- uhmmm..

Jan- answer vai.. We even want to know the answer..

Vai- Iloveuabhi..

Fai- speak slowly..

Vai- I love u abhi..

(Abhi was numb listening this..he couldn't believe)

Vai- its ok abhi if u don't like me.. I understand..

Abhi- idiot.. I love u too..

(Saying this they hugged each other tightly)

(Everyone fake coughs)

Fai- now we have a couple guys #abhinavi..

All- yeah.. Cheers to the new couple..

Abhi- so vai will u go on a date with me today??

Vai- yess.. I will

*flashback ends*

Vai- so.. On the date he proposed me and gave this ring..

Sid- sahi khel gye..abhi Dada to mere se bhi tez nikle..

(Everyone laughs listening to this..)

Sidneet- anyways.. Congo to u both of u.. I am very happy..

Vai- thanks..

Sid- accha.. I need to go.. Will meet u all tommorow.. Byee..

Avu- byee..

(Sid left.. After that avu changed and then went to sleep but she could not sleep as she was thinking about sid the whole night that how cute is he and stuff like that and on the other hand as soon as sid reached home he saw jai as usual eating pizza {don't u think that jai is obsessed with pizza😂} and abhi chasing fai with his hockey stick)

(As soon as abhi saw sid he asked)

Abhi- shezaade sid.. Where were u its freaking 3 in the morning...

Sid- uhmm..I.. Me..

Abhi- (shouts) where the hell were u?

Sid- at my vai bhabhi's house..

(Abhi Didn't said anything after this)

Abhi- so u got to know??

Sid- yes.. I am very happy with my bhabhi.. Anyways why were chasing fai??

Abhi- because he is teasing me with vai's name since morning... Anyways.. How is your practice going..

Sid- its going Great..

Jai- leave all this.. Come and have some pizza with me..

Sid- u are sick jai..

(He went to his room to sleep after that.. The whole night he could not sleep because he was happy seeing that he is so close from his revenge)

The next day,

(Everyone got ready and went to college.. Sidneet directly came to auditorium for practicing.. Sid noticed that avu's behavior got changed.. She is blushing like hell when she is  doing romantic steps.. And when sid is talking to her she is not looking in his eyes)

Sids pov,
Good going sid.. I think this idiot avneet is falling for me.. Don't worry avneet I will break your heart soon.. I can't wait to see you crying..

Avu's pov,
I am very sure that sid has changed now and he likes me.. The way he sees me I can see from that..
But am I falling for sid?? I need to talk about this with someone.. But I can't about it with reem, jan or vai.. I think I should talk to my old friend krupa..

(After the hectic day they went to their home.. Avu directly went home and called krupa..)

Krupa- hi avneet..

Avu- hi krups.. How are u..??

Krupa- I am great.. Wbu..??

Avu- idk ..maybe thats why I need your help..

Krupa- what help avu??

(Avu explained everything to krupa..)

Krupa- avneet kaur nandra u are in love with him..

Avu- what.. No.. This can't happen..

Krupa- just tell me do u care about him?? Do u always think about him?? Do u always want to be with him??

Avu- yes..

Krupa- u love him avu and u need to go and tell this to him otherwise it will be too late..

That's it for this chapter..

Maybe guys now I will update Tommorow because this was a very long update and I have some important work to do but if I will get free then I will surely give one more update today..

Hope u all have liked this chapter..

Do vote and comment so that I don't get disappointed....


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