ashnoor(chapter- 41)

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3rd update of the day.. 2 more updates to go..yes.
Will I be able to do it??

Avu picked the call..

On call- hello.. Am I speaking to avneet kaur??

Avu- uhmm.. Yes.. What do u want??

On call- I am speaking for the radix hospital, Mumbai.. Your family member ashnoor kaur got admitted here today and she is in the ICU ... She was hit by a bullet.. Please come fast if u can..

(Avu immediately hanged up the call)

Avu's pov,
What.. Ash..ashnoor di.. No God no.. Why are being so cruel with me god.. Please if i did something wrong then please punish me.. But don't so anything wrong with me loved ones..please.. I request.. Please...

(She immediately called her personal assistant.. {Guys if u all have forgotten then avu is the CEO of kaur enterprises})

(Her pa immediately picked the call and said..)

P.a - good evening ma'am.. What do u want..

Avu- book my flight to Mumbai.. Right now.. Its damn urgent..

P.a- ma'am the next flight to Mumbai is in half an hour..

Avu- ohk.. Book that flight and send me the details

(Avu immediately checked out from the hotel and went to the airport.. All she cared about was ashnoor right now..)

(After some time she boarded the plane)

Meanwhile with sid,

(He took the award and went to rits)

Rits- hi baby.. What took such a Long time??

Sid- nothing..

Rits- do u love her .. Answer honestly.. Because I saw true love in her eyes..

Sid- but if u will look in my eyes.. U will just revenge.. Nothing more.

Rits- but I am very happy baby that u are back to me..

Sid- same...

Sid's POV,
My plan was to go and kiss some random girl when avu walks in but as soon as avu went outside the Waiting room rits entered.. I was shocked to see her.. She was my first and only love till now and I still loved her somewhere..


Rits- sid.. I have missed u so much..

Sid- no rits.. Don't talk to me.. U never loved me.. U left me for the other boy..

Rits- no sid.. I never left u.. I was forced to leave u.. My dad got to know about us.. He said that if I didn't leave u he will kill u and I got so scared.. I was scared to loose u.. Loving manjul was all just an act sid.. I still love u..

Sid- but why didn't u told me about all of this??

Rits( crying)- sid!! I said that I was afraid of my father..

Sid- rits.. Please don't cry.. U know that I can't see tears in your eyes..please

(Sid stopped crying and went ahead to kiss sid.. Sid kissed her too.. But suddenly suddenly avu entered.. Sid got reminded about the plan and started to act)

*flashback ends*

Sid- rits.. Now let's go to my room in the hotel.. We have so much to talk about..

Rits-yes sidoo..

(They went to the hotel)

On the other hand avu reached Mumbai and directly went to the hospital.. She asked where was ICU .. The nurse guided her.. Suddenly 2 doctors came out of the ICU..

Avu- doctor.. Doctor.. Is ashnoor di fine?? How is she?? Please tell?? She will be fine soon right??

(But the doctors said something which made avu's condition worse)

Thats it for the chapter..

What do u think the doctors said??

Do vote and comment so that I don't get disappointed...


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