the message(chapter- 44)

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Avu's pov,

(Avu was crying mess and was sobbing too much.. She even unconscious 2-3 times)

No avu no.. For ashnoor u have to be strong and show that mafia king his place.. Now he will know that who plays the game and how it is played.. Ashnoor di.. U will surely get justice.. I will give u the justice..

(She wipes her tears)

(Siddharth nigam and mafia king.. Now you will see how revenge look like.. I will show you both your places)

(She took out her phone and messaged jan something.. After that she did funeral of ashnoor alone only and then asked her pa to book a flight for new York… her pa booked a ticket and then avu left for new York)

Meanwhile with jan,
As soon as she got avu's message she started crying..
She was not able to hold her tears..

Fai- what happened jan?? Is everything alright??

Jan- Nothing is alright.. They both left us

Vai- jan.. Speak clearly.. I am not able to understanding anything..

Jan(crying)-nothing is left vai.. Nothing is left..

(Reem snatched Jan's phone and saw it was a msg by avu)

Reem- guys.. It is a msg by avu

Jai- read it out loud..

Reem- wait.. (She reads the msg)- hi jan.. Avu this side.. So I will directly come to the the point.. Ashnoor di is no longer with us... She died.. But please don't cry because if u will cry her soul will not be able to rest in peace.. She is a better place right now.. And I am leaving for some where and I will never ever return back from there so please don't ever wait for me.. Please take care of everyone.. And sid best of luck for your new relationship.. I hope he must be feeling better now by breaking someone's trust....and avu,mreem and jan u can live in our house only.. There is no need to shift..

(Reem was crying to by now)

Abhi- sid.. Where is Avu?? She went with u only na.. U are her boy friend right??and where the hell did this rits came from

Sid- first of all I was his boyfriend.. Secondly when I was his boyfriend I was just his bf not a babysitter so I dont know that where the hell is she and thirdly u need to respect the fact that rits is my gf now..

Jai- what is wrong with u sid.. Do u remember how she left u when u needed her the most?? She is just a gold digger

(Rits started crying)

Rits- sid.. I am gonna leave this house ... I don't want to live here..

Jai- as if we are forcing u to live here..

Rits- guys.. Why are u putting false allegations on me.. I never did anything wrong.?

Abhi- rits if u don't stop your mello drama I swear I will slit your mouth...

(Sid dragged rits and took her to his room)

( on the other hand the girls were shaken by everything.. Firstly the death of ashnoor secondly
Avu has left them)

(Jai, fai and abhi went to console reem,jan and vai)

Thats it for this Chapter...

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