is sid changed??(chapter-13)

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Fai- what do you mean sid??

Sid- see fai.. Avneet is already so broken... Right??

Fai- yes.. She is..

Sid- so.. I will act like I love her and then I will start caring for her and once she will fall madly in love with me.. I will say that I don't like her anymore so that she will become vulnerable and then my revenge will also be completed...

Fai- but don't you think its  little mean??

Sid- not.. Everything is fair in love and war.. So are you with me??

Fai- of course... I am with you... There is no doubt in it...

Sid- cool then... But abhi Bhai and should not know about this because if we will ask their help in this plan then they will teach us a lecture of humanity..

Fai- ohk then... No one will know about this except me and you..

Sid- cool... So we will execute our plan from tommorow..?? Ok??

Fai- let's go and sleep now...

The next day,

With boys,

(Abhi was still not talking with sid so sid went near abhi and said)-

Sid- sorry Bhai...

Abhi- sid... I said na don't talk to me...why are you not listening..

Sid- accha from nowonwards I will beheave nicely with that avu..I promise..

(Abhi hugged him and said )-

Abhi- I knew my brother will change...

(Sid smiled but internally he was feeling bad because he was lieing from abhi)

Jai- accha if you guys are done so we should leave now for college..



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(After that even boys left for the college...)

After sometimes,

(All the boys reached the college and went  towards the canteen... They saw reem, avu, jan and vai sitting in the canteen...)
(As soon as avu saw sid she abruptly stood up and was about to go when by mistake all her book fell down..she sat on her knees for picking up the books suddenly sid came and helped her in picking up the books... Avu was beyond than shocked..)

(After all the books were picked sid gave them to avu)

Avu- thank you..

Sid- my pleasure... I can do anything for a sweet lady like you..

(Avu was not able to digest sid's new behavior... She just smiled awkwardly too and went out... Her friends followed her too..)

Reem- avu.. What was that..

Avu- I don't know... Did the sun rise from the wrong direction or something...

Vai- avu.. Its not funny... Till yesterday he wanted to take revenge and now he is behaving like all gentlemen types...

Avu- maybe he is a bipolar or something...

Jan- or maybe he wants you to give him a chance...

Avu- see.. You know I am not that type of person who holds grudges... So.. If I will feel like he really means that sorry so I will forgive him..

Reem- but avu..

Avu- every one deserves a chance reem and thats what ashnoor di taught me...

(Saying this avu went from there)

Meanwhile with boys,

(Jai and abhi were happy to see a change in sid...suddenly fai whispered in sid's ear)

Fai- dude... Who made you business man you are so good at acting ... You should be an actor..

Sid- I know fai... The revenge has just began... Avneet will definetly pay for the slap which she gave to me..

(Sid smirked and went from there)

Thats it for this chapter...


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And thank u guys for your wishes.. I am feeling better now😊😊😊


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