sid's joke-(chapter-19)

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(Sid started laughing like a maniac.. Fai was shocked because of sid's behavior as some minutes back he said he has started loving avu and right now he is laughing like a maniac)

Fai- sid.. Can you please tell me what is going on??

(Sid didn't listened to fai and continued laughing)

Fai (while gritting his teeth)- sid you are testing my Patience now..

Sid- oh my god fai.. You are such a stupid person fai.. I was just joking.. Do you think I will ever fall in her love...

Fai- then now tell me the real reason why did you saved her??

Sid- ohk.. So you have seen that because of me saving her she has started trusting me..

Fai- yes.. She has.. So what now??

Sid- see  she is my friend now and she thinks I am not evil and stuff like that... so because of this I will go close to her.. Make her fall in love with my and then will break her heart

Fai- what a master stroke sid...

Sid- thank you Fai..

Fai- you know I really thought you have started loving her..

Sid- you know if she will be the last person on earth too then also I won't love her..

(Suddenly they saw avu was just standing behind them)(sid thought that avu have heard The conversation and horror crept in Fai..)

Sid- hi avu.. When did you came??

Avu- I just came right now.... Am I interrupting both of your conversation??

(Sid and fai felt relaxed as they thought that if avu would have heard the conversation then she would have started shouting till now)

Sid- no.. You are not interrupting our conversation.. Don't worry..

Fai- I am gonna leave.. You both continue with your talks..

(Saying this fai went from there... Now, only sidneet were left alone... There was a silence.. An awkward silence.. Avu broke the silence and said)-

Avu- sid you have a very pure heart... Please never do something which will make me ever again hate you..

(Sid was Not able to understand that why avu was saying things like this today but still he nodded and said)-

Sid- okk I guess..

Avu- sid.. Thank you for saving me know why you have saved me but still thanks..

(Sid was now confused... Avu never said things like this then why is she saying today.. Before he could say anything avu left from there but she had tears in her eyes instead of happiness)

That's it for this chapter...


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