avu's revenge(chapter- 48)

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The next day,

(Avneet and manjul reached nigam mansion in the morning.. Everyone was eating breakfast at that time)

(As soon as avu and man entered the mansion everyone became happy and engulfed them in hugs but on the other side sid and Rits were making faces)

Abhi- finally avneetayy.. You came..

Jai- I am so happy to see u

Vai- see avu.. U have became so thin

Reem- yes avu

Fai- glad to see u avu.. Hi manjul how are u

Man- i am fine.. What about u guys??

Jan-we are even great..

(Suddenly rits came inbetween and said)

Rits- what is this ugly girl doing here

Avu- I am not a mirror rits..

(Everyone except sid and rits starts laughing)

Rits- see.. Sid.. How dare she talk to me like this..

Sid- ms. Kaur.. Talk to my gf nicely..

Avu- she should be thankful to god that I am even talking to her otherwise I dont even give a damn..

Rits- how dare u

Avu- rits.. Go and hide.. I have heard that that they are taking garbages and trash away from here.. What if they even took u.. Because u do look like a trash..

Sid- be in your limits avneet..

Avu- mr. Nigam u haven't seen my limits till now...

Abhi- can anyone explain me what the hell is going on here..

Vai- yaa me too

Reem- me three

Jai- me four

Jan- me five..

Avu- ask from sid.. He is gonna tell u Anyways criminals are good at explaining their mistakes..

Man- please avu calm down

Sid- ohh I see.. Your boyfriend is asking u to calm down

Avu- mr. Nigam if he is even my bf it should not concern u..

(Sid was about to say something but suddenly avu started counting)

Avu- 3... 2... 1..

(Suddenly sids phone started ringing.. It was His pa's call.. He picked up the call)

Sid- speak..

On call-...


(He hanged up the call and threw the phone on the wall)

(He hanged up the call and threw the phone on the wall)

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(His iphone's condition.. Anyone feeling bad for the phone)

Abhi- what happened sid??

Sid- (shouts) avneet kaur!!! How dare u do this.. I spent years working hard on my company!!

Avu- so.. What should I do ??

Rits- sidoo baby... Are we gonna go on a date today??

Sid- shut your mouth up for a minute rits..

(Rits got scared so she remained quite)

Abhi- I asked something sid!! What happened??

Sid- she snatched away my company from me.. She took 51% of the share of my company and I am only left with 49% of the share which makes her the owner of my company...

Avu- uhmm.. Excuse me.. Correction is needed.. Now it is my company..

Sid- how dare u do this to me?? Are u out of your mind??

Avu- (blows her nails and says)- well.. Its just a starting mr. Nigam.. I told u right that u are about to loose many things..

Sid- u are gonna pay for this

Reem- avu.. Why did u do that??

Avu- mr. Nigam will explain the reasons himself..
(To jai)- jai please show us our rooms

Jai- ok..

(Avu and man were going towards their rooms and jai was guiding them but suddenly in halfaway avu turned around and said)-

Avu- and one more thing Mr. Nigam.. From tommorow come timely in my company for job otherwise u will be fired..

Sid- u are so gonna regret this.

Avu- let's see who is gonna regret more..

(And avu went from there with man and jai)

Thats it for this chapter

Do vote and comment so that I don't get disappointed..


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