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Sid- avu but what if we will feel satisfied but hurting others??

Avu- sid that satisfaction won't last long.. At the end,
You will only feel one thing and that is regret..

Sid- and how are you so sure about it?

Avu- sid see you will realise the pain when someone you loved more than your life will leave you..

Sid- but still...

Avu- sid u are mature enough to take your decision so it request you too not to anything stupid

Sid- hmm...

(They talked for a hour and then left to their houses.. The whole night sid wasn't able to sleep.. He was just thinking about avu's words..)

The next day,

(Everyone got Ready and then left for the college... As soon as girls reached college they found that the boys were waiting for them near the college gate..
The went near the boys and said)-

Reem- hi!! What are u all guys doing here??

Sid- actually the new principal has called everyone in the auditorium and we thought we will go with all of u

Vai- great then..

(They all went to the auditorium and waited there for principal.. The principal came after sometime...)

Principal- good morning my dear childrens...  So, I am here to let u know that we have selected some students for dance competition that will be held in Paris.. So the students who have their name in this list are going to prepare for the dance competition which is gonna be held ten days after.. So the selected students needs to be ready...

Avu(whispering)-I wish it is not me..

Sid- same here..

Principal - so those lucky students are Siddharth nigam and avneet kaur... Give a round of applause to them..

Sidneet- why me!!

Principal- so.. Siddharth and avneet be ready for the competition.. Our college should win at any cost.. You both can  start practicing and you can skip the classes whenever you want and u can practice in the Auditorium... So now you all can go back..

(They all came out of the auditorium..)

That's it for this chapter

What do u guys think..?? Will this competition make sid realise he is wrong?? Will sidneet fall in love??

Do vote and comment so that I don't get disappointed..


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