Chapter -73(sid in love)

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I am sorry guys.. i am just very busy with some stuff and i am not even feeling well as well as some unbelievable thing happened with me today..!!

(sid went near abhi to talk about his feelings..)

(Sid as soon as he entered abhi's room he saw that aarav and abhi abhi was busy playing.. he smiled at looking the father -son duo)

Sid - abhi bhai!!

(Abhi looked at sid and said-)

Abhi- what happened chotte!!

Sid- i need to talk about something!!

Abhi- speak

Sid- i am confused about...

Abhi- about?

Sid- my feelings for avneet..

(Aarav interrupts inbetween and says)-

Aarav- there is nothing to be confuse in it.. you love chachi and chachi loves u!!!

(Abhi laughs loud listening to this)

Sid- aarav.. see jai is eating your pizza!!

Aarav- he is such a foodie!!! Yesterday he ate my chocolates too.. i wondered how Reem chachi handles her..

(Saying this left)

(Sid was shocked.. he said)-

Sid - he is only of four years right!!! And see him!! How much he speaks..

Abhi- he is my small version thats why.. anyways what do u feel about avneet?

Sid- i don't know.. i am confused... I laugh when she laughs.. i smile when she smiles.. there is something going on which i am not able to figure out.. i just want to protect her from everything..

Abhi - sid.. trust me or not u are in love with her?

Sid- what!?? How can someone fall in love in just 2 days..

Abhi-sid it's just not the matter of 2 days.. you have loved her since years but due to the clouds of hatred u were not to figure out love in it.. love was there earlier also but right now as it is in the air u are able to feel it!!

Sid- no.. this can't happen and what about rits?

Abhi - why do u always bring the name of that idiot always..i just don't like her..

Sid- abhi!!

Abhi- ok fine.. whatever.. just tell me have u ever felt this way like you are feeling for avu to rits?

Abhi- you got your answer sid.. but it's upto u that if u want to figure this out or not but please don't take much time because no one has seen Tommorow...

(Sid nodded with yes .. then he left from there)(suddenly Jai and.aarav entered abhi's room)

Jai- abhiiiiiiiii...

Abhi- Dont shout.. i can hear normally also..

Aarav- dadddddd!!

Abhi- u both are impossible.. now tell me why are u guys shouting?!

Jai- we should do something so that avu and sid can spend time together!!!

Abhi- yup.. that's a great idea.. but what should we do?

(Suddenly a voice came from behind them)-

Voice- i have an idea!!

What do u think who is it?

That's it for this chapter..


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