Chapter -64( a week)

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Guys one more offer for u.. if u all complete 120+ comments in this chapter (they should not be spam comments they should mean something )i will give 5 more updates today.. i know it's impossible but let's see.. best of luck.. if u all won't be able to complete then i will only give one more update today!!! I know it's impossible...

Avu- you should have told me that the door is locked!!! Here i am stuck with an idiot!!

Sid- excuse me!! I don't even have any wish to get stuck with u..

Avu- you pyscho.. firstly u got stuck with me in the library, then in the lift and now in my room!!!

Sid- firstly this is not your room!!!

Avu- come on.. you are my beloved husband..

Sid- don't call me your husband!!

Avu- then what should I call u? An alien?

Sid- you know what.. u can't live in my room

Avu- yes i can.. if u have any problem then take your stuff and go live in the streets..

(Suddenly they heard rits screaming from outside the door)

Rits- siddoo baby.. please open the door

(Avu smirked and said)-

Avu- your Sid is with me inside the room with door locked

Rits - what!! Sid what the hell are u doing with her?

Avu- u know we both are newly married couples so give us some privacy..

Rits- what!! Sid what is she saying?

(Sid smacks his head and said)-

Sid - rits are u an idiot.. the door lock is broken so we are locked inside!! Go and ask someone to help..!!

Rits- but..

Sid(shouts)- i said now!!!!

(Sid was all furious now)(he turned around towards avu and said)-

Sid- what is hell is your problem!!! Firstly u got married with me without my permission...then u are behaving like this.. aren't u satisfied after snatching vai from us.. what do u want more? Whom do u want to kill next? Is it me or abhi or anyone else..

(Avu couldn't say anything.. her head was spinning.. doctor already told her millions of to not to take stress.. she was feeling like sid is right)(she is really a problem and she should end her life)

Sid- one more thing!! Stay away from aarav..he is the only reason abhi bhai is living.. don't even try to harm him..

(Suddenly the door lock opened.. sid went from there and rits followed her..)

(Now avu was only one left in room..she got a panic attack.. she was crying silently.. )

Avu- i..i ....a.. traitor.. i.. should not live..

(Suddenly aarav came he saw avu)

Aarav- chachi.. chachi..

(He went and hugged Avu.. after sometime avu felt better.. she stood up and said)-

Avu- thank u so much aarav baccha..

Aarav- chachi but what happened to u .. should I tell chachu?

Avu(in her mind)- he won't care aarav.. no one would care even if i die..(speaks loudly)- please aarav.. promise me u won't tell about it to anyone.. please..

Aarav- ok chachi promise!!

Avu- i need to go somewhere aarav..i will talk to later..

Aarav- ok chachi. 

(Avu directly went to the hospital.. the doctor did some scans and said)-

Doctor - why are u not taking your medicines timely?

Avu- i am sorry doctor..

Doctor - avneet u know your condition and i took some scans today and in the reports it is saying..(he was hesitating to say further)

Avu- what doctor

Doctor - u only have one week left with u..i am so sorry beta..

That's it for this chapter

Do vote and comment so that i don't get disappointed..

And best of luck for completing 120+comments


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