avu's past..(chapter-12)

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(As soon as avu went from the canteen... Reem, jan and vai followed her too)

Meanwhile the boys,

Everyone was seeing them like an aliens so fai shouted-

Fai-(shouts)- the show is over... You can go guys otherwise I have my own ways...

Jai- sid.. I said locking her was bad idea..

Abhi- (shouts)-sid are you insane..?? What do u think locking a girl is way to take revenge.. You made me feel so ashamed by doing this... I have told you million of times to not to stuff like this but you won't understand... That girl avneet was right today..

Sid- Bhai.. You are taking her side?

Abhi- I am not choosing sides... I am choosing who is right..

(Saying this abhi left from there..jai followed him)

Fai- sid.. We have to take revenge from this girl now... How dare she slap you infront if the college..

Sid- revenge will be taken..(he calls nidhi {p.a} and ask her to find every information about avneet like her relationships, history and stuff like that)

(After that he hangs up the call)

Fai- so, what are u planning to do now?

Sid- I will teach her how the real revenge is taken..

Fai- means?

Sid- just wait and watch..

( Saying this sid even went from there leaving fai confused)

Meanwhile with girls,

(Avu went to an empty classroom and the girls followed her..)

Reem- avu.. Cool down.. Don't worry..

Avu- I am not worrying... Anyways I put all my frustration and anger in that slap only...

Jan- but avu whatever you did today was unbelievable...

Avu- why... Did I do something wrong??

Vai- no avu.. We are proud of you..

Avu- thank you guys... Accha now I am feeling sleepy I am going home...

All- we are also joining you

Avu- ok..

All- let's go..

(Even boys attended the classes and left for their home)

At nigam house,
Sid was reading avu's file in his home office..

                                   The file

                                   The file

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Name- avneet kaur

Age- 19

Friends- Riyaz, vai, jan and Reem..

Relationship status- no present relationship right now

Ex- bhavesh balchandani

Parents- amandeep nandra and Sonia nandra

More information about her - she is going to be CEO of nandra company soon..

(There was many more information but there was an information which caught sid's attention... It was about bhav and avu's relationship)

Avu and bhav started dating in 7th class..they were a happy couple but one day someone told bhav that avu was cheating on him with riyaz and for proof they gave bhav some photoshopped pictures...And because of all these things bhav trusted that avu was cheating on him..bhav went to avu said mean words to her and after that bhav was going towards his home but his car met through an accident.. And he died there only... But avu still loves bhav somewhere...is somewhere broken right now

(Sid smirked reading the information as he got an idea on how will he take his revenge...)

(He called fai  and asked him to come asap...fai came immediately... Sid asked him to read the file.. After reading he said)-

Fai- what are u planning to do next??

Sid- I will act like I love her and then once she falls in love with me I will break her heart..

Thats it for this chapter..

{ sorry for this  boring chapter}



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