(chapter-57) Sid's wedding

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4 years later..

Sid's pov,

It has been 4 years since vai is dead.. we really miss her.. she was like our mother but due to that avneet we lost her.. talking about that traitor avneet i tried finding in her these four years so that i could kill her by myself but i failed to track her location but i am still happy that she is out of our life's.. talking about abhi bhai he still loves vai.. he can't even imagine to date any other girl.. he was in depression for 4 months.. he didn't ate anything as well as he stopped talking to us but then he took a decision to adopt a baby boy aarav.. now aarav is his reason to live.. even i am very close to aarav.. he is my lil champ.. fainat are dating each other and jaireem are married...manjul left us the day avu left but we still talk to him monthly... About me i am dating rits... I love her so damn much!!! One More thing my aunt is also living with us for few days..she said she has something important to tell me so let's see!!!


A cute lil boy, childish

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A cute lil boy, childish..5 years old.. everyone loves him ... He thinks that his mother (vai) is in there with him in the stars so he loves star gazing.. he loves his father (abhi )the most and his superhero is sid!!!

(Suddenly sid aunt's called sid)

Sid's aunt - sid beta!!! Please come downstairs.. i need to talk about something..

(Sid went downstairs and saw everyone including Rits was sitting there)(he sat on the couch)

Sid- yes aunty..what happened?

Sid's aunt- beta!! I want u to get married..

(Everyone thought Sid's aunt was talking about rits)

Sid- but aunty will still are dating

Sid's aunt- beta i am not talking about this rits

(Everyone was shocked)

Rits- but i love him aunty

Reem- yes sid and rits are the match made in heaven..

Abhi- pls let them marry each other aunty

Aunty- beta.. i request u to marry that girl.. i am so near to my death and i want u to get married with her.. i beg u beta!!

(Everyone didn't know how to react now)

Sid- ok aunty..

Aunty- thank u beta.. her name is a..(sid stops her inbetween)

Sid- I don't wanna know her name..

Aunty- ok but u guys will get married day after tomorrow..

Jai- but that is so soon..

Jan- aunty how can he..

Sid-it's ok..i am ready aunty for u..

(Saying this sid goes to his room..rits follows him)

That's it for this chapter

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