hashtag together(chapter- 29)

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Everyone came outside of auditorium... They all decided to go to the canteen and talk about the competition there only...

They all sat in the canteen..

Reem- guys.. You both are selected and I am so happy that u guys are gonna perform together..

Vai- yup... U guys give your best shot..

Sid- but I don't wanna be a part of it..

Avu- same here... I am not interested..

Abhi- u guys should go because u are both are gonna rock in it..

Sidneet- hmm.. Maybe..

Sid pov,
Maybe if I will participate in it I will get a chance to come closer to avneet and it would be good for my revenge too.. So I should go ahead and make avu participate with me...

Sid- ohk.. I am in on it.. I am ready for the competition..

Avu's pov,
Maybe if I will Participate in it then I will be able to melt Sid's heart and he will forget about the revenge thing too... So I will participate in it...

Avu- same here.. We are gonna rock.. Right sid?

Sid- yes avu..

(Suddenly a boy came and said)-

Boy- principal has asked u to register for the competition through your phone.. So get yourself register...

Sid and avu- ok

(The boy went from there)

(They started filling the form.. In the last it was asking for the # of both of the participants name)

Avu- what the hell.. Now we have to make # also of our name

Jai- yes..

Faisu- u guys Have to do it..

Sid- ohk then suggest a good hashtag..

Jan-  how about #avarth?

Sid- no

Fai- #sidavu ??

Avu- no.. Its too cheesy

Avu- wait.. I HV one

Sid- say..

Avu- how about #sidneet??

Sid- I must say.. Its a nice one

(Avu blushed and said thanks)

(They filled the form.. After that others went for their classes and sidneet went for the practice)

Thats it for the chapter...

I know I am not updating since very long.. But actually my pre boards are going on.. I am very sorry..

Hope u will understand...

Do vote and comment so that I don't get disappointed...


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