Chapter-72( midnight)

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Sid - pass me the pillows now..

Avu- you have your hands right!! Go ahead and take it!!

Sid- u!!! 

(He took a pillow and threw at avu.. avu even threw back the pillow on him.. they were busy in their pillow fights... The moment was filled with happiness)

Avu- catch me if u can!!!(laughs)

(She jumps on the bed and was about to jump down but suddenly her leg got twisted and she fell on ground!!!)

Sid- avu!!!! ( He goes near her) how are u so careless!! Can't u even take care of yourself!! Omg !! I guess u have got a sprain!! What should I do!!!

Avu -sid!! Calm is just a simple sprain dude!!! I am not dying!!

(Sid took his hand and kept it on Avu's face)

Sid- don't u ever dare to leave me!!! And never say like this.. 

(Avu didn't knew what to say.. she was feeling guilty to hide that she is gonna die)

Sid- speak something!! U are not gonna leave me right?

Avu- even if i die u won't remember me!!

Sid- nahi ye ho nhi skta ki teri yaad na aae, bina tere ye dil kabhi chain na pae...

Avu - wow sid.. nice one..(suddenly she groans due to pain)

Sid- oh got i forgot about your sprain..wait..

( He called the room service and asked them to bring ice bag and some painkillers)

(After sometime they came)

(Sid was applying ice on Avu's leg but suddenly avu said)-

Avu- no need to do that!! I will do this!!

Sid- come on!! U are mrs. Nigam now.. i can do this much for u!!

Avu's pov,

I wish the time could stop here only.. i feel so blessed.. i want to go and hug Reem,Jan ,fai ,abhi and aarav too.. i wish before i die i could live my life like earlier..!!! Vai i am coming to u as soon as possible!!

And sid thank for this care.. my last days of life are atleast not hell.. i feel like a free avneet!!

Sid- avneet!!! Where are u lost?

Avu- nowhere sid!!

Sid-i have heard that the nights in Manali are very buetiful!! Let's go..

Avu- sid i have sprain in my leg.. how will I walk..?

Sid- no need to fear when your husband is here..

Avu- and earlier was the husband in u sleeping..?

Sid- maybe he was..(he holded avu in bridal style and took it her to balcony)

Avu- its buetiful!! Specially the stars..

Sid- i Know.. u know what vai is among the stars watching u fighting for yourself and she must be really proud of u..

(Avu's eyes became teary listening to vai's name.. she hugged sid tightly and said)-

Avu -(while crying)- i.. i. Miss her sid.. i know.. i shouldn't..cry.. but i do..miss her..

Sid- shhh.. it ok.. you don't have to be strong all the time!! Sometimes u need to get your tears out!!!

(Avu hugged sid tightly and she felt comfortable in his embrace.. there was a silence but it was a comfort silence...) (They sat in the chair and felt sleep in that position only)

In the morning,

Sid woke up and saw that avu was sleeping beside her..

Sid's pov,

Ooh God!!! She looks so buetiful even while sleeping!!! I hope she gets all the happiness.. i just want to protect her from everything!! But why am I feeling like this... I should talk about it to abhi.. maybe he will suggest me something..

(Avu woke up and saw sid was looking at her..she stood up and said)-

Avu- u should have told me that u are awake..

Sid- i didn't wanted to disturb u mrs. Nigam..

Avu's pov,

Why sid why... Why are u making it difficult for me to hate u.. please don't this to me.. i can't afford to fall in love with u.. please..

(Sid was about to say something but they heard rits shouting from outside.. sid was getting furious now!!)

(He opened the door and said)-

Sid- what the hell is your problem rits.. why do u keep disturbing me!!!

Rits- why are u shouting..

Sid-because i was busy...

Rits-ok fine.. 

(Saying this she went from there)

That's it for this chapter..

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