Chapter -74(realisation)

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They turned around to see who it was and saw that it was Jan..


Jan-so what?

Jai- u hated avu?

Jan- i thought last night that if i can give second chance to sid then why not avu...

Aarav- yaaayyyyy.!!!! One more person..

Jai- so what is your idea?

Jan- jai u are ill ..

Jai- no i am not ill .. see i am all fit and fine..

Aarav- u are such a Dumboo.. even i understood what she meant to say..she means that u will go and act infront of everyone that u are ill.. then we will cancel the plan of going out and will stay in our room only.. so due to this sidneet will spend alone time in their room..

Jan- exactly aarav.. that's what I meant to say..u are so intelligent..

Abhi- he is intelligent because he is my son..

Jai- ok if u guys are done making me feel dumb can we execute our plan..

All- let's goo..

(Four of them went outside.. they saw everyone was waiting for them)

Sid- lets go..we are getting late..


Reem- what happened to u jai..

Jai- ahh my stomach is paining..

(Aarav saw that he is saying that his stomach is paining but he is holding his head)

Aarav(in mind)- i really feel sorry for Reem chachi.. she has to handle him..

Reem- but why are u holding your head..

Jan- because his head is also paining

Sid- but u were fine till yesterday..

Jai- uhmmm.. i ate 7 pizzas since morning..

Rits- omg.. u are a monster..

Abhi- less than u..

Avu - i think we should cancel today's trip.. we should let jai rest..

Jan- u are right everyone go to your rooms..

Rits- sid baby.. let's go for a walk..

Jan's pov,

Omg.. what's her problem yaar..

Jan- rits i have my sister's aunt's uncle's father' s wedding.. please help me to select a outfit..

Rits - but..?

Jan- no ifs and buts..

(Everyone went to their rooms.. sidneet were alone together)

Avu- i wonder what happened to jai..

Sid- hmm.. idk.. anyways madoo..

Avu- speak!!

Sid- let's watch a movie..

Avu- alright..

(They both watched the movie snuggling in each other's embrace)

Sid's pov,

Maybe abhi was right.. i am in love with avu.. firstly i will tell rits about it and then i will propose avu..

Avu's pov,

What is happening with me.. have i fallen for sid..maybe yes but avneet u only have 1 week so control your emotions..

(They spent a week in Manali and sid and avu were now damn sure that they both love each other.. sid has already planned to propose avu)

They returned to Nigam mansion..

Guys only 2 chapters left.. i will update soon..


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