lift(chapter- 47)

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(Avu was about to go but her friends approached her)

Reem- avu.. Where are u going and where are u gonna live??

Jai- avu we are not letting u go anywhere..

Abhi- u are gonna live with us only..

(Suddenly manjul came)

Man- avu the press conference reporters are Waiting for u..

Avu- guys.. I am gonna live at my old home.. I guessmu all are living with abhi only but its ok.. Me and manjul are gonna live at our old home only..

Jan- who is manjul??

Man- I am manjul.. Avu's friend

(Everyone introduced themselves..)

Abhi- please avu.. Come and live with us..

Avu- no abhi Dada.. I don't wanna give u unnecessary troubles its fine..

Abhi- no avu.. Why are u saying like this.. U are like my sister and about manjul he is even your friend so I can trust him.. He can also live with us..

Avu- but..

Fai- no ifs and buts... U are gonna live with us.. Its final

Avu- ok.. Me and manjul are gonna come tommorow..

(Avu went from there alone in the lift.. As soon as she closed the lift she saw sid was was there In the lift but he didn't saw her as he was busy in his phone)

Avu- (shouts)-YOU!!!


Avu- why the hell do I always end up with u..

Sid- maybe because u can't ressist me.. I am so handsome thats why...

Avu- well.. I rather say that aliens are more handsome..

Sid- (sarcastically) well what happened to that avu who proposed me and loved me like hell..??

Avu- well that avu died a long back!!

(Suddenly the light of the lift went off and it's the lift stops moving)

(Suddenly sid remembered that avu has nyctophobhia)

Sid- I think now u are gonna shout sid.. Save me!! The darkness is consuming me and stuff like that and blah blah blah!!

Avu- uss andhere se kya darna jisse thodi si  roshni hara de.. ( why to be afraid of that darkness which can be defeated by lil light ) and anyways in these last three years many things has changed..

Sid- blah blah blah!!! Are u done with your stupid lecture??

Avu- u know what its useless talking to you..

(Avu took her phone and called man)

Avu- man.. I am stuck in the lift with a disgusting creature.. Help me out..

Man-ok coming!!

(She cuts the call)

(Sid eyes widened as avu referred him as a disgusting creature)

(Now sid called fai and said)

Sid- fai.. Come fast.. I am stuck with a witch here.. Help me out.. I am there in the lift)

Fai- coming!!

(Sid hanged up the call)

(Then there was a silence )

(After sometime avu started coughing badly.. Sid had a bottle of water so he asked her)

Sid- here!! Take the water..

Avu- I will rather die with thirst .. But thanks..

Sid- u and your arrogance..  Go to hell

Avu- well I will rather go to heaven because u are gonna go to hell and I am not gonna live with u..

Sid- as if I am dying to live with u..

(Suddenly the lift start working.. As soon as avu reached the floor she was about to go but turned around and said)

Avu- mr. Nigam.. Count your days.. Because I am gonna payback to everything u did to me with interest..

Sid- that time will tell..

(They both went on their own way)

That's it for the chapter

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