Chapter -56(vai's death)

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(everyone went to Nigam mansion to confront avu.. everyone was in a broken state...

(As soon as they entered the mansion they saw avu was still unconscious...)

(Sid took a bucket of water and threw it on Avu's face and avu woke up with a jerk)

(Nobody was feeling sorry for avu was right now all they could feel for avu was pure hate because she killed vai)

Avu- what happened!!! How did I went unconscious and where are the guests?? Has the function ended?

(Reem went near avu and tightly slapped her... Avu was confused)

Jan - avneet how can u be so selfish...(breaking down)u.. killed vai... I hate u..

(Avu was numb now..she was not able to remember anything!!!)

Avu(shouts)-are u idiot Jan.. i can't even imagine in my wildest dream to kill vai ...

Sid- just stop it avneet all u deserve is hate.. u know i started feeling sorry for u because i did wrong with u in the past but u deserve that!!!

(Avu was now really shocked)

Avu(looking at abhi while breaking down)-what are they saying vai..why would I kill vai.. vai can't die..

Abhi-(shouts)- just stop it avneet!!!stop all of your are a killer ..!!! (Breaking down) u vai..on the day of her vai is not.. with us anymore...and all of it ..all of it is your fault...

(Avu was numb.. she was shocked..she was not able to recall anything.. )

Jai- u are a killer avu.. u snatched everything from us.. (shouts) because of u my sister can u be so selfish..

Fai-(Sits on the floor while sobbing badly)- i hate u avneet Kaur nandra!!! U don't deserve to live..

(Avu was in a trauma..she was not able to believe that she killed own sister..vai was not with them anymore..she was recalling the memories how vai and avu use to comb each other's hairs.. the way she used to scold her..)

Man- u are a killer avneet!!! I feel ashamed to be called your friend.. how can u stoop so low for revenge..

(Everyone was again shocked listening that avu killed vai for her revenge)

Sid-what avneet!!! U killed vai on the day of her engagement so that u can complete your revenge.. !!! If that was your plan to break me then congratulations u succeeded...u broke everyone of us!!

(Avu went near abhi and said)-(sobbing badly)-abhi bhai trust me..i..i will never do these .. kind of things just for revenge..

Abhi- do me a favor avneet..get the hell away from our life's.. seeing u only reminds me of the moment...when..when of life died..

Rits pov,

Omg so much of drama yaar!! I feel irritated..why are they not throwing that avneet out of the house..i even want to sleep yaar..

Rits- do us all a favor avneet go away from our life's..

(Avu was still standing there all numb)

Rits took Avu's hand and threw her out of the house and then slammed the gate on her face..

(Everyone broke down..they were crying bitterly.. after sometime they consoled themselves and did vai's funeral)

That's it for this chapter...

Guys i wrote this chapter just because u all requested so can I please expect 50+comments.. it's my request..

Do vote and comment so that i don't get dissapointed


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