abhinavi's wedding(chapter- 50)

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(Avu went downstairs and saw everyone was talking about something... As soon as vai saw avu she said)-

Vai- what a great timing avu!! We were looking for u only..

Sid - haa.. Shaitan ka naam liya aur shaitan haazir..

(Everyone started to laugh)

Avu- mr. Nigam.. If u don't know how to talk politely then why do u even talk to me..

Sid- *rolls his eyes* first of all I am not dying to talk to u ... Go to hell

Avu- well your gf rits deserves hell not me..

Rits- excuse me!!

Avu- u are excused...

Rits - I don't even like u..

Avu- like I am standing here to impress u.. And one more thing if u don't like me find a map, take the keys and drive to hell.. Have a unsafe journey...

Abhi- guyss.. Stop it.. We are here to discuss about something important...

Avu- tell Bhai..

Abhi- so me and vai are getting married this week..

(Everyone becomes happy listening to this..)

All- Congo guys..

Abhinavi- thank u..

Vai- so from tommorow the functions will start.. Toproblem?engagement, then haldi, then mehnadi, then sangeet and then marriage..

Manjul - great..

Jan- but who are the guests which are coming??

Abhi- so here is the list.. These are close friends of ours- Riya,kajal, anushki, khushi, diya, almas, rafia,komal, aaranya, devishi, aanya, nishtha and his bf akshat and anvie and his bf nitesh..

Fai- its gonna be so fun..

Jai- is pizza gonna be there??

Vai- yes..(everyone laughs)

Reem- its great.. That means we have to go shopping today..

Jan- yes

Fai- shopping.. No.. I am not gonna go..

Vai- whosoever will deny has to face the consequences.. (Angrily)

(Everyone immediately said yes but avu said)-

Avu- I have a meeting to attend I can't come..

Sid- some minutes back someone was teaching me the value of emotions.. And now..

Avu- mr. Nigam.. What the hell is your problem.. Why do u keep interfering in my business??

Sid- blah blah blah!!

Jai- please avu.. Come with us.. I request..

Avu- ohk.. I will come..

Thats it for this chapter..

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