Seventy One

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Very much together, very happily in love, incredibly sure you all need to fuck off with the rumours.

Tagged; MasonMount

Liked by; masonmount, benchilwell, declanrice and 74,837 others

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"Are you excited to see baby?" Lacey smiled at Ellie, who nodded her head. "It just makes me feel happy seeing them in the screen" Ellie smiled, as Mason come into the room. "How's my favourite person" Mason smiled, as he wrapped an arm around Lacey's waist, kissing her cheek, causing her to smile. "I'm okay, I'm really tired, but we're okay" Lacey smiled, as Mason nodded his head. "Good" Mason whispered, as he placed a kiss to the top of her head, and grabbed Mounts lead, taking him for a walk with Ben, whilst Ellie and Lacey began to talk about birthing plans, and midwife appointments, all of it was mind boggling to Mason, but he was happy that Lacey had Ellie to talk to about it all, because he honestly thought that right now was the moment where he would panic, and forget everything he needed to, he half dreaded the birthing part, wondering if he wasn't even really cut out for all of this.

"You okay bro?" Ben mumbled, as him and Mason walked through the private green area. Mason always walked Mount through this at least once a day, and it was always the place where he listened to his thoughts and spoke to himself, taking time for himself to process everything. "I'm okay" Mason mumbled back, as he watched Mounty run around in the distance, not too far that he couldn't see him though. "You're not, but when you're ready to talk I'm here to listen" Ben smiled, as Mason nodded his head. "I just feel like no one else gets how I feel Yano?" Mason whispered, as Ben nodded his head. "Because no one else apart from me and you is gonna be a dad" Ben whispered, as Mason sighed nodding his head. "I just don't want anything to worry her, like the media have a field day with us, they always have, and it's always been easy to ignore when we're together, but I'm worried that the slightest thing will tip Lace over the edge" Mason whispered, as Ben nodded his head. "I'm worried that she will literally just crack and break down, and I'll be right there with her, I don't know if it's the nerves setting in, but I literally feel like I'm not ready for this anymore" Mason whispered, as Ben took a turn to sigh. "I think you're more prepared than you think you are, and at the end of the day there's no right or wrong answer, there's nothing to ever really prepare you for this, just time" Ben stated. "How are you so chill about it?" Mason whispered, as Ben shook his head. "I'm not" Ben laughed, as Mason looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Seriously bro, I'm far from chilled, I stress all the time, I worry that the baby will hate me or grow up to resent me, I worry that if me and El don't work that I'll never get to see my child, I worry that I'll never be the Dad my Dad was to me" Ben whispered. "But if I live like that and think like that I'll never be the best day I can be" Ben smiled. "And I'll make mistakes, I'll mess up, buts it okay, as long as they know I'll always put them first and everything I do is for them, and show them how much I love them, I know I'll never fail" Ben smiled, as Mason nodded his head. "I've never thought of it like that" Mason whispered. "It's a scary ass time bro, but you're not alone, you're far from alone" Ben smiled, as he wrapped an arm around Masons shoulder. "Me and you together in this yeah? we can be the dad squad" Ben laughed, as Mason laughed with his friend. "Dad squad" Mason smiled.


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Dad Squad.

Tagged; MasonMount

Liked by; masonmount, jackgrealish, declanrice and 98,937 others

DeclanRice - I feel left out.
LaurenFryer_ - well, you don't have to feel left out
MasonMount - bro ❤️
DeclanRice - @masonmount deffo feel left out 💔

"So, both of them are looking very healthy, both weighing 3.7 which is a healthy weight, don't panic over it, twins are usually on the smaller side" Esme, the midwife stated to Mason and Lacey, Masons eyes fixated on the screen in front of him, he didn't think he had acknowledged anything that was being said, just looking at his unborn children on the screen, waiting to meet them, he couldn't wait to meet them, it was almost like the conversation with Ben had aligned something in him, and all of a sudden he felt ready and prepared for it all, no matter what.
"I can tell you the sexes, but I'm assuming you're both not wanting to know still?" Esme smiled, as Lacey nodded her head, her own eyes fixated on Mason, who's eyes were still firmly placed on the screen, the concentration written all over his face. "Mase, you okay?" Lacey whispered, as Esme giggled to herself. "Oh, yeah" Mason smiled, as he squeezed Lacey's hand, smiling up at her with a goofy smile. "Whatcha thinking about then?" Lacey whispered, as Mason smiled shaking his head. "I could've sworn one of them was waving at me" Mason smiled, as Lacey smiled at him, thankful that despite everything, he was the person she was sharing this with.
"Now, I don't want to alarm you, but we need to think about giving birth, Lacey I know you have your birthing plan and we've spoke about 36 weeks and the potential to give birth then" Esme warned, as Lacey nodded her head. She knew the risks of carrying twins till full term, and she knew the possibility of them arriving a little earlier than expected. "Wait, you'll pop them out before they're due? Is that safe?" Mason whispered, as Lacey nodded her head, but laughing at her boyfriend. "Oh, I'll be fine" Lacey smiled, as Mason nodded his head. "I know you will, but can we please hear their heartbeats again?" Mason smiled towards Esme who rolled her eyes but nodded her head. "One last time" Esme laughed, as the sound of the two babies heartbeats filled the room, Mason looking with so much love in his eyes towards the screen, as Lacey mirrored the gaze of Mason towards Mason.

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