Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

( April 2011 )


"Stop bullshittin' me girl!"August yelled through the phone.

"I'm not,"I laughed grabbing my car keys off my dresser.

"Pshhh,"He sighed,"You supa'sho ya girl flunked out on ya? Cause a nigga feelin' fucked up right na."

"Yeah,"I bit my lip,"But if you're truly feeling bad I'll just go al-"

"I'a come getchu la'mama, jus' gimmie bout twunny minutes aight?"He coughed into the phone.

"No August really, if you're feeling under the we-"

"I'a blow when I'm outside."He hung up.

I sighed in both defeat and amusement, sitting my keys back in their rightful place.

I don't know how our friendship happened but it happened. I guess I sort of kept being pushy at school until he finally agreed to talk to me. I don't talk to him much at lunch, because he doesn't like my group of friends and vice versa for them. He especially doesn't like Derek & Lola. Lola constantly tells me how weird she thinks he is and Derek's always looking at him crazy.

I left out of my room and walked down the hall a little, peeking into my little sister's room. She was still asleep so I didn't bother waking her up. I guess I'd see her when I got back.

"Hey, where you heading?"My dad asked as he saw me coming down the stairs.

"Both nail and hair appointment, I have to pick up my dress and-"

"Woah, that sounds like a lot,"He laughed fixing himself some coffee.

"I know,"I shook my head,"please don't tell mom though. She'll try and-"

"Control everything? I know,"He chuckled,"she's just excited but I promise I won't tell."

"Okay, well August is bringing me to and from so..."


"My friend."He still gave me a confused look."New to the school, friends don't like him, from New Orleans-"

"Oh, oh! Okay, the quiet kid."

I nodded.

"Why haven't I met this kid?"He rose an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is if he's going to be doing things like driving you from place to place and getting close to you then I should at least get to meet him."

"But dad,"I shook my head with a laugh,"August and I aren't even like that."

"Still,"He shrugged,"you don't know what the future holds."

I sighed shaking my head at him with a small smile on my face. My dad could be something else at times. He's a piece of work but he isn't worse than my mother. I haven't told her about August being my friend because she would take the situation to a whole new level. My mom has this mega "thinks-she's-a-cool-mom" syndrome.

My thoughts were put to rest as my phone vibrated in my hand.

From: AugDawg
I'm outside. -9:52am

"Okay dad I have to go,"I walked over to him and kissed his cheek,"I'll be back in a bit to get ready."

"Alright."He said leaving out of the kitchen.

I left out myself, making sure to lock the door behind me. I quickly walked to August's car that was parked in the drive way and pulled on the door handle once he unlocked the doors.

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