Chapter 22

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Chapter 22.


I pulled up ta' my house, seeing nobody was outside or even around da' area. I sighed in relief when April texted me, askin' if it was me who was pullin' up. I answered ha' back and got outta da' car.

"Aye!"I yelled out fa' ha' while shutting da' do' behind me.

She started coming downstairs in ha' work uniform wit' ha' keys in ha' hand.

"Wanna explain who that was?"She asked.

"Not really,"I started walking ta' da' kitchen,"but I'm gon' drive ya' ta' work."

"Why? What about my car?"

I sighed lookin' at da' sink,"I'm gon' call Lance ta' come pick it up and give ya' a new license plate."

"But for what though August?"

"Cause I said so,"I looked at ha'.

"Because you said so? And since when did everything you say go?"

"Maan, April not right na'."

"No, don't try to brush it off Aug. Obviously you're involved in something you have no business being in and now you're in trouble."

"Look ain't nobody in no damn trouble,"I scoffed,"jus' listen ta' what I'm tellin' ya' and you gon' be straight."

"But if I'm not in trouble then why would I have to change my license plate genius?"She put ha' hands on ha' hip."Is this the real reason you got a new phone and phone number in New Orleans?"

I ran a hand down my face ta' try and keep myself calm. Shit, I guess today jus' ain't my day.

"Is you trynna go ta' work or not? Cause I got some mo' shit I gotta take care of."

She rolled ha' eyes and walked out da' kitchen. I heard ha' go sit down on da' couch so I headed off ta' my room.

I went straight ta' my closet and moved around a couple of boxes dat hid da' box I was lookin' fa. When I found it, I pulled my glock out and checked my magazine. I had a couple rounds on me so I placed it in my waist band and pulled my sweatshirt ova' it. I seen I had a HK P30 in thea' too so I put it on me.


I texted Kennedy while waiting on August to get done with whatever it is he's doing. But I couldn't help but think about what his uncle said a few days before we went out of town. About how Aug shouldn't bring me into any of his problems because I'll end up hurt. And now I kind of see what he was pertaining to since August mentioned me getting my head blown off by one of those guys.

Whoever those guys were anyways.

I heard August start to come downstairs so I put my phone away and started putting on my shoes. I planned to ignore him the entire drive so I took the lead by leaving out of the house first.

I heard him groan and slam the door as he was leaving but I could care less. If anything I should be the one slamming doors since he's keeping me in the dark about something that could possibly put me in harms way!

I rolled my eyes after he finally decided to unlock the car doors. We both got in and buckled up, ignoring each other's presence like kids.

"Say,"He said over the phone."Yeah it's me. I need ya' ta' swing by my crib and scoop April car up...Shiid, I'a tell ya' lata' bruh but I need ya' ta' switch out ha' license plate aight. Aight coo', I appreciate man. Peace."He hung up.

All throughout the ride I watched him out of the corner of my eye. He kept looking at me at the red lights while I picked at my nails, never daring to look him directly in the face.

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