Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.


The six o'clock alarm on my phone went off and I shot up quick to turn it off. I groaned and rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes while getting out of the bed.

My feet drug me all the way to the bathroom where I handled my hygiene and checked my face out.

Being worn out from yesterday would be an understatement. After we fed them we had some kind of dance contest that August swore up and down he could win, but didn't want to join cause he'd 'fuck'em up'. Then we decided to play twister because that was one of the games Lola bought. August ended up falling all over me and claimed he couldn't play any more games because he hurt himself.

We played about ten more games after that but I can't really remember because I seriously have a headache right now. I didn't realize children's parties could suck that much of energy out of you. Now I know.

"What to wear? What to wear?"I rummaged through my closet of clothes.

I yanked my coat off the rack, throwing it over to my bed. I just know it's gonna be cold as hell today.

"Aw fuck it," I grabbed a simple pair of jeans and a long sleeve black shirt.

I grabbed my Uggs as well and got dressed as quick as I could. I checked the time on my phone while slipping into my jeans, seeing I had around twenty minutes.

Shit, I guess I'm skipping breakfast today.

I grabbed my car keys once I was done and basically ran down the stairs to the front door. I left out and made sure to lock the door behind me.


"Lucky I saved you a seat, Miranda ass tried to take it."

I laughed,"Thanks London."

London and I are the same age and we basically like and dislike the same things. The only differences between us are she smokes and I don't, and she's from Bronx, New York. She moved out here when she was just sixteen.

She isn't close with her family, only one of her cousins but he lives back in New York. The only person she says she has close to her is her boyfriend; Lance. They've been together since she moved out here, and just like Aug, Lance is originally from New Orleans. I don't know why he moved out here and I didn't ask because you never know people's situation. He's a cool guy though and he's very protective of her. He comes to pick her up from here all the time.

"You welcome. What'cha doing today?"

"Nothing,"I shrugged,"I'm hungry as hell though. I skipped breakfast."

"You could always run and go get something, professor is running late anyway."

"I dunno. I guess I'll just wait until class is over. Maybe I could jet before my next class."

"Suit yourself."

As a matter of fact, I'll just text Kennedy and see if she could bring me something.

To: Kenbear
Can you bring me food on your break? -7:20am

From: Kenbear
Sure -7:21am

"There,"I smiled before putting my phone away."So what happened with you yesterday? You didn't show up."

"I know, I know,"She rolled her eyes,"I got held up at work and was so tired. I was gonna come but Lance made me go lay down."

"Aww, goals."I wiped a fake tear.

"Girl shut up,"She nudged my shoulder,"You got August, remember?"

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