Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.


"Class dismissed."My last professor of the day said, allowing us all to file out ten by ten.

That is always like music to my ears. I do not feel like staying another thirty to forty five minutes behind, listening to him talk about his family. And yes, he just happens to be one of those teachers. The push over. Never thought I'd see one in college but boom, there he is.

"Bye London!"I waved to her as I walked in the direction of my car.

"Peace out girl, text me though!"She started walking to where Lance's car was parked.


I pulled out my phone to text August I was out and heading to mine. He replied with an okay. I made it to my car and got in, turning on the heater since it was freezing outside. But lord knows it's gonna go right back to being hot tomorrow.

Florida weather at its finest.

The radio came on and I turned it down a little since I have a minor headache.


"And will that be all ma'am?"

"That's it,"I pulled out my wallet.

"Alright, you're total is 16.98 please drive to the next window."

I pulled out the twenty while driving to the window to pay. The girl slid the window and I handed it off to her, receiving the needed change and receipt. I thanked her and drove to the next window to wait on his food. While waiting my phone dinged.

From: Kenbear
You coming over today? - 3:30pm

To: Kenbear
Not today. Homework and I'm tired. Why? - 3:31pm

From: Kenbear
Just wanted to talk. -3:31pm

To: Kenbear
Is something wrong? -3:32pm

"Here's your food ma'am,"The girl slid the window open handing the stuff to me.

"Thank you,"I sat it in the passenger seat.

I double checked to make sure my order was right and stole a chicken from the bag. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

I started driving off and tried to open up Kennedy's text message at the same time, multitasking I guess. But I ended up having to slam on breaks because I looked up at the last minute-almost running into someone.

"Oh my god,"I opened my car door."I am so sorry."

"Nah,"he chuckled dusting off his shirt,"you good ma."

I stepped from by my car and over to him,"No I'm not. I made you drop your food!"

"It's aight, I promise."He smiled."I was supposed to be on a diet anyway. You saved my ass."

"Ugh, I feel so bad. Come on I'll buy you another one."I started to walk in Popeyes.

He grabbed my elbow to stop me and just shook his head.

"I swear you okay. No payment back or nothin. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because I still feel bad."

"I'm good, I should go get a salad or a smoothie. Somethin' healthy ya know?"

"Well....alright,"I slowly backed to my car."I'm sorry again."

"Ain't no problem ma, you just be careful on the road."He smiled before walking to his car.


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