Chapter 16

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Chapter 16.

Okay. So here's the voting time! I'll publish three stories right after I complete the (spoiler alert) sequel to this one. I already have one I know for sure I'm publishing but I want you to vote for two stories you want to read in late November, early December.

1.) Trap: the idea of having your friends close, and your enemies even closer.

2.) Joy: Twenty-three year old Joy Robinson was imprisoned for the attempted murder of her ex-fiancée Isa Thomas. Coming into the prison she had half a mind to cut the hell up, but someone seems to keep her pretty mellow-headed while there.

3.) Sent From Heaven: When August has to pick up his niece from dance class one afternoon, he assumes it'll be just a quick in and out process. He didn't expect for it to change his entire life.

4.) Life Unexpected: Twenty-two year old Hazel K. Langston made a bad decision back when she was 16 years old. Thinking the decision wouldn't affect her in the future, Hazel kept the aftermath a secret. Little did she know her bad decision came right back to her 6 years later.

5.) Outlaw: Twenty-three year old August Alsina had been locked up for reasons unknown to anyone at Arizona County prison. Deanna Ross is a new prison guard who is assigned specifically to his unit. What could possibly go wrong?

6.) Phenomenal Woman: Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size. But when I start to tell them, they think I'm telling lies. I say,
It's in the reach of my arms. The span of my hips, the stride of my step, the curl of my lips. I'm a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Sooooo, vote for the ones you wanna see! The covers for said books above is in the mm.

Now onto the story at hand!!


"August are you done packing?"I asked stepping into his house.

Today is the day we're scheduled to fly out to Louisiana. August called his aunt two days ago to tell her to warn his family of his arrival. He didn't wanna just pop up over there unannounced and get a bad reaction out of everyone.

"Aug?"I called out again seeing as though the first time I didn't get a response.

I sniffed a little, smelling a familiar unpleasant smell. It was at the tip of my tongue but I couldn't quite put my hands on it.

But the minute I grew closer to his room door I knew exactly what he was doing.

"August are you seriously getting high?"I scoffed before knocking his room door open. And sure enough he was sitting on the edge of his bed with a blunt in his hand and smoke surrounding him. I shook my head in disapproval and opened the door a bit wider."We need to be leaving."

"I know, chill out, I jus' needed ta' shake a load off right quick,"

"Before we get on the plane though Aug? I don't need you tripping out on me."

"April,"His low set eyes glared at me,"I said chill out. Don't blow ma' high son."

"Well me and my babies are ready to go so when you get yourself together you can meet me in the car,"I rolled my eyes and slammed his door shut.

As I walked out of his house I could hear my puppies, May and June, barking for me in the car. And yes you heard correct, I named my puppies after months.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."I cooed walking towards the car. My mom was dropping the two of us off and we said we'd just grab a taxi if we needed to travel.

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