Chapter 13

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Chapter 13.


Da' alarm on ma' phone went off, meaning it was time fa' April ta get up. I rubbed ma' eyes and looked down, seein' ha' sleepin' on ma' chest.

"C'mon Phat, get up."I shook ha'. She whined and turned ha' head."You gotta get up maw."

"Five more minutes please,"She whined kickin' ha' feet.

I chuckled and scooted outta da' bed. She clung ta me as I stood up and wrapped ha' legs 'round me.

"Really bruh?"

She nodded ha' head on ma' shoulder so I sighed and walked us ta da' bafroom.

"I gotta piss man,"I groaned.

She smacked ha' lips and climbed down, turnin' around towards the sink.

"Hurry up,"I sat onna toilet seat waitin' fa ha' ta finish.

"Shut up."She rolled ha' eyes and started brushing ha' teeth.


I finished up in the bathroom before allowing August to take over. It's his fault I'm tired like this anyways. He kept me up all night playing dumb games and watching movies until we fell asleep. I should be used to it by now but I'm not.

He shut the bathroom door so I dug in my overnight bag and pulled out my clothes for today. London texted me that Lance got us breakfast so I told them both thank you.

I quickly changed into what I was wearing and went into his dresser mirror to fix up my hair. His phone started ringing on the bed so I picked it up.

"Aug, your phone!"

"Answer it!"His voice sounded all muffled so he must've been brushing his teeth.

I slid it to answer it and the same female from yesterday picked up,"Hello?"

"Hello?"I sat down on his bed to put on my shoes.

"Um, may I speak to August?"

"He's kind of in the bathroom right now, but can I take a message?"

"Okay uh well can you tell him to pick me up at two for lunch?"

"Okay,"I was about to hang up but then stopped,"but wait, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, anything."

"Are you August's girlfr-"I almost got it out but the phone was snatched away from me.

"Mind ya' business,"He pushed my head and put the phone to his ear,"Yo?"

I kissed my teeth and kicked him in the knee for pushing my head like that. He finished up on the phone and went into his drawer to put on a shirt.

"You have to go to work today?"I asked.

"Yup, bouta go right afta' I drop you off. You hungry?"

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