Chapter 35

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Chapter 35.


"Oooh, I'm so glad I'm outta that house,"Lola sighed as she climbed into my car.

"Are you?"I laughed.

"Yes,"She put her seatbelt on,"I was so happy when my daddy said he'd watch Roman. I love him to death but damn, his ass is too energetic."

"Just pour some Tylenol or NyQuil in his sippy-cup,"London said from the backseat.

"What?"I looked at her through the rear view mirror before turning my attention back to the road.

"I wish I could,"Lola laughed,"but no, he's alright. Work is just hard."

"I feel you on that shit. If one more white bitch demand me to make her frappe a certain kinda way, I might just end up in jail son,"London said.

"London!"I laughed."Are you serious?"

"Yes B, them white folks is dramatic as hell behind that cold ass coffee. Starbucks my ass."

"Ooookaay,"I grinned shaking my head."But I have to tell yall something regarding today."

"Wassup?"They asked in unison.

"I invited Aug's girl out to hang with us,"

".....Why?"Lola was the first to ask.

"Because, August said she doesn't have a bunch of friends and she's not that close with her family. Sooo, I just thought it'd be cool to hang with her since she'll be around,"

"She ain't gone be around that long,"London giggled.

"And you know this how?"

"It's just facts,"Lola added,"watch and learn."

I shook my head,"Yall are so damn negative. I met the chick and she's cool as hell. She's sweet and a little on the quiet side so Lola don't even."

"Don't even what?"

"Be you,"I shot her a look.

"Be me?"She put her hand on her chest dramatically."Well damn, I ain't that bad."

"You way worse,"London laughed.

"Fuck yall,"Lola muttered."I'm gonna leave her alone but I'm calling her like I see it."

"She's pretty, relax."I shook my head.

And after a little driving around, I finally made it to Kandy's house. I pulled up to the curb and whipped my phone out.

To: CaramelKandy
We're outside! 😊 -1:22pm

From: CaramelKandy
Coming! -1:22pm

I looked up as the front door opened and Kandy walked out with Aug right behind her. I kissed my teeth and shook my head at him, rolling my window down.

"Who invited you ugly?"I laughed and waved at Kandy."Hey girl."

"Hi,"She waved standing behind August a little.

"I invited myself,"He bent down into my window."And look at chu', always changin' dat hair."

"Back up some."I pushed his head and unlocked the car door so that Kandy could get in."Don't hate."

"Stop hittin' on me,"He pulled my nose.

"Ouch,"I touched it,"What do you want?"

"Cause you ain't coming,"Lola added shaking her head.

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