Chapter 14

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Chapter 14.


"You always talkin' shit,"I laughed reaching for a box of cereal.

We were walking around Walmart, trying to get some groceries for my place. August was being his childish & playful self as always.

"No, you always talkin' shit. Move,"He bumped me out of the way, getting the Trix down,"midget ass."

"How am I a midget,"I snatched it out of his hand and threw it in the basket,"when you're just tall and fucking lanky."

Moving down the aisle, Aug dropped Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Captain Crunch in the basket.

"Grab those Cookie Crisp for me."

"Fuck no,"He folded his arms across his chest.

Kissing my teeth, I slapped a hand on my thigh irritably,"C'mon Aug, stop playing!"

"I ain't playin', my lanky ass is jus' ti'ed,"He shrugged looking off to the side.

Stomping my foot I turned back around to the high ass shelf. I looked up at the Cookie Crisp, trying to come up with a way to get up there. Sighing, I placed my foot on the first shelf. I made the straightest fucking face ever when I was still too short. I could hear August laughing a little as I had to step on the second one to get it.

But when I placed my foot on it, I slipped back somehow. A loud scream came out and I shut my eyes. I was sure I hit the floor until I popped my eyes open again.

"'s you,"I smiled looking up at Aug who was holding me.

"Yea, it's me,"He fixed me so that I was standing up,"a thank ya' would be nice."

"Thank you...Now can you get the Cookie Crisp down for me?"

He pushed my head a little before grabbing the cereal and dropping it in the basket.

"Thank you,"I wrapped my arms around his stomach, giving him a squeeze.

He playfully detached me from him and we walked on to get some other things. We left out the store twenty minutes later and after August loaded the groceries into my car, he got in and I pulled off.

"....Want know sumn?"He asked me, running his hands up and down his seatbelt.

"Sure, go ahead."

"Uh..I uh...I was thinkin' bout what'chu said. You know, about me visitin' my family."

I nodded egging him to keep talking.

"And...I decided I wanted ta go."

"Really?"I smiled glancing from him to the road.

"Yeah...,"He chuckled,"but only if you come wit' me."

"Uh...okay..I'll clear my schedule for it."

"Oh and uh..ion really want go fa Christmas."

"What? Why not?"

He shrugged,"I jus' don't. I rather go fa New Years."

I started to question it again but I decided against it. I know I'm seeming kind of pushy for him to go but if you could just see how he looks all the time. Always so down and busying himself. Maybe visiting his family is what he needs.

"Well, okay that's fine with me. New Years it is,"I smiled."So are you getting in touch with your brother beforehand?"

He cleared his throat,"I was thinkin' bout it."

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