Chapter 37

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Chapter 37.

*wink wink* THIS BOUTA BE SO LIT AGAIN OKAY OMFG. Jk not really, I just like saying LIT! Btw look how beautiful they are, okay bye.


"Wake up!"A pillow slammed against my head.

I raised up from my bed and rubbed my eyes, trying to see who the hell was in my house.

"Get your ass up April!"London shouted.

"What are you guys doing here?"I groaned.

"Here to get the tea bitch. What happened?"Lola came all close to my face.

I pushed her head away and climbed out of bed.

"How did y'all get in here?"I muttered walking to my bathroom.

"You gave us keys remember?"Lola held up her key.

"Oh right. Remind me to change my locks."I rolled my eyes and picked up my toothbrush.

They left me alone in my room to handle my business and I did so, slowly and at my own pace. Most of the time was used to stare at myself in the mirror and think.

It's been two weeks. Two entire damn weeks since August decided to kiss me, or I decided to kiss August, or however the hell it happened! Whatever the matter was, it happened.

The point is, the shit threw me off–threw us off. We haven't spoken since then and it's eating away at me slowly. Us being apart isn't in our normal routine. You know this, I know this, he knows this–I hope.

I sighed and left out of my bathroom, shutting my bedroom door behind me. I went into the kitchen where the girls were talking and went into my fridge to get me some juice.

"Why so quiet April?"Lola sat down her phone on the counter.

"No reason."I shrugged sipping some of my juice.

"Really?"London rose her eyebrows at me.

I shrugged again.

"Well then why did Lance tell me August's been actin' the same way?"

"I don't know what y'all are talking about."I shook my head.

"Playing dumb I see,"Lola shook her head,"Well can you at least give us a hint to what happened? Did you two get into an argument?"

I shook my head no.

"A small disagreement?"

I shook my head no.

"He hit you?"

I scoffed. His scrawny ass wish he could.

"Then what the fu-"

"We kissed alright!"I threw my hands up."We were talking, just about stupid shit, and somehow we ended up kissing."

The kitchen fell silent as I expected. The two girls looked at one another, then at me, then at each other again. I rolled my eyes and sipped on my drink, knowing what they were about to say.

"Well it's about damn time."Lola grinned."I been waiting for it to happen."

"Right,"London shrugged,"I thought y'all would've been done that by now."

"No way."I shook my head frowning.

"Oh get real girl,"Lola rolled her eyes,"You knew."

"I knew? Knew what?"

"Your feelings for that knucklehead August. You've been knowing ever since we were in high school."

"Not ever since high school."I mumbled.

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