Chapter 7

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Chapter 7.


I decided to drop by my parents house this weekend since I haven't spoken to Kennedy in two weeks. The last time we texted was when she told me she wasn't feeling well. I never really had the time to just drop by until now.

"Mom?"I stepped in."Dad? Anybody home?"

I shut the door behind me and sat my keys down on the tv stand.

"Kenn!"I yelled.

Downstairs was completely empty meaning my mom and dad must've went to work. I sighed and headed up the stairs. I passed my old room and went straight to Kennedy's.

"Kenn,"I knocked on her door before opening it.

She was fast asleep, not even underneath her blanket. I went around to turn her tv off but seen she had dried tear stains on her face. I frowned and went over to shake her awake.

"Kenn, kenn wake up."I shook her.

She stirred a bit before sniffling herself awake.

"April? What are you doing here?"She rubbed her eyes.

"I just stopped by to talk to you and now seems good. Why were you crying?"

"Oh."She shrugged trying to smile."It was nothing, I'm fine now."

"Now? Seriously Kenn you know me better. I'm not letting this go so you might as well tell me."

She sighed and moved over in the bed to let me in too. She sat up so that her back was against the headboard while I did the same.

"Now tell me."I looked at her.

"Elliot broke up with me."She frowned.


She nodded sadly, tears falling from her eyes again.

"Well, why?"

She shrugged,"He said it's because he's going to college and won't have time for a relationship."

"In other words he wants to see college girls."I rolled my eyes.

She nodded again and broke out crying harder. I sighed and pulled her closer to me, not wanting to let my anger get the best of me. What kind of fuck boy even does that?

"Where does he stay?"

"April please don't,"She shook her head.

"I'm not gonna touch him, just give me the address."

And it's the truth, I'm not gonna touch him. But I know somebody who will.



"Neva let dem hoes get in between a' what we started. Lil nigga but I'm lion hearted dey' luh me when I was stuck but dey' hated when I departed."I rapped ta myself while workin' on dis car.

I started to slide ta the other side until ma' phone started ringing in ma' pocket. I wiped ma' hands on ma' jeans befo' picking it up.


"Aug."April answered.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"I put da phone between ma' ear and ma' shoulder.

"I'm pissed the fuck off that's what's wrong!"

"Whoa, whoa, calm down Phat. What happened?"

She blew ha' breath telling me she was at least trynna calm down. After helpin' her count ta ten, she then gave me da' run down bout Kennedy and her la'boyfriend.

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