Chapter 26

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Chapter 26.

I'm gonna write this quick so that I don't forget.

Like I said last chapter I am now on ThanksGiving break so I'll be updating, updating, updating as much as I can to finish this book before the end of the year. Also I promised 3 new stories nearing the beginning of December, so with that being said I'm gonna try to get

More Than Friends 2 published (unless yall decide yall don't want a sequel.)

The Fighter published

And for the win in chapter 16 I think yall liked...

Life Unexpected the most.

So be on the look out for those in December along w/ Fifty Shades Of Alsina.

Anyways, back to my babies.


It's finally da' weekend and now is da' time whea' I'm finally letting Kandy meet April. I want them two ta' get along and it ain't gon' happen if April ain't feelin' ha'.

"You have me so nervous,"She picked wit' ha' nails glancing at me.

"I do? Why?"

"Because, your leg is jumping like shit meaning you're nervous."

I stopped at a red light, looking at my leg dat was goin' bananas. Shakin' my head, I let out a lil laugh.

"I ain't nervous, ion know why you is, but I ain't."

"I'm nervous because obviously she's an important person in your life and I don't wanna mess anything up,"

"You ain't gon' mess nun up, my woe ain't judgmental a'nun. She coo' people."

"Okay,"She sighed,"I'll do my best to calm down."

"Jus' think of it like you meetin' somebody fa' a job. Ain't no big deal,"

After a lil drive we finally pulled up ta April apartment. I got out and helped Kandy out befo' walking up ta' the do'.

Instead of knockin', I jus' used my key ta' get on in. I smelled food cookin' as soon as I stepped in which bought a big ass smile ta' my face.

"Oh Phat whea' ya at?"I yelled closin' da' do' behind Kandy.

"I'm coming!"

Kandy immediately latched onto my arm da' minute we heard April coming to us. I laughed a lil and put ma' arm ova' ha' shoulda'.

"Hi,"April came up ta ha',"I'm April. You must be Kandy."

"Hey,"Kandy said quietly.

I bit my lip ta' see any kinda off-ness wit' April demeanor. She seemed aight.

"Well come to the kitchen, I'm just finishing up."

We followed behind ha' and sat at ha' island. She grabbed some plates and started makin' our food. Kandy whispered ta' me that she didn't have ta' do it fa' ha', but I know betta'. April gon' do it regardless of what'chu say.

"I'm sorry Kandy, you aren't a vegetarian are you?"April turned around.

Kandy shook ha' head no wit' a smile,"No, no."

"Oh thank god. Okay,"She handed us our plates."Tell me if you like it."

"Ion een' know why you actin' like dat Phat."I used ma' fork ta' eat ma' red beans,"I already know you'ca throw down."

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