Chapter 25

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Chapter 25.


"Did he grill you bad?"I asked Jaxon as we walked into the restaurant.

Of course I had to ask what August had to 'talk' with him about. Since, of course, it caused us to be thirty minutes late.

"Nothing to be honest,"He shrugged,"Just wanted to know my intentions with you."

"So he wasn't too rough?"I bit my bottom lip.

"Uh, I ain't say he wasn't too rough."He chuckled.

I covered my face, clearly embarrassed."Oh, I'm so sorry. He's just really protective of me."

"Your girlfriends too,"He chuckled,"Who knew you could ask thirty questions in two minutes?"

"Yeah,"I sighed,"I guess they're sort of all like that since I'm the youngest out of the bunch."

"Really? So you're the baby?"He smirked while grabbing my hand.

"Do not get it twisted,"I blushed,"I am still a grown woman."

"I hea' that."He laughed.

After giving Jaxon's name the desk woman escorted the two of us to our table. I actually picked this place to eat because when I came before I really liked the food. The service is good as well so I'm comfortable with being here.

"Okay, should I start you guys off with something to drink or are you ready to order?"She asked with a smile.

"Um, just something to drink."I looked at the drink menu."Can I get a Sprite?"

"Of course, and for you sir?"

"Uh,"He looked over the menu too,"What's the best drink you have?"

"As in alcohol?"

He nodded.

"Well we're trying this new special called the Chill-Hurricane. It's not fruity at all and usually the men are the first to try it. I personally don't like it because it's straight alcohol but like I said the men usually like it so.."

"Uh, I guess you could just give me that."He nodded.

"Okay, I'll be back shortly to take your orders."

We both nodded and she left the two of us alone. Another thing I loved about it is that there was an actual live performance and dance floor. So I listened in on the band that had been playing.

"I gotta admit,"He said breaking the silence,"you got good taste."

"Thanks, August actually took me here before so."I shrugged but then winced & frowned."I'm sorry. I know you're probably tired of hearing about him considering I talked about him in the car."

"Nah, it's cool."He chuckled."I can see yall really care for each other."

"Yeah,"I looked down at my nails,"everything I do usually involves him."

He nodded,"But tell me–you said you're finishing up with school. What do you plan on doing after that?"

"Im still going to work at the hospital."I shrugged."Even though it could get tiring, I love it there."

"I don't know why I could picture you like that."He smirked.

"And what about you? You said you had something in New York."

"Yeah. I'm real serious about my music and there's a studio and condo up there calling my name with an opportunity just around the corner."

"So you have a deal then?"

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