Chapter 34

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Chapter 34.


"Are you signing up for next semester soon?"I asked London while we switched classes.

A week had flew by since the incident and I hadn't heard from Jaxon since. I was actually happy about that. Hopefully he'd get the call to New York and get himself some help.

"Yup. Even though I get tired of coming here all the time, Lance said he'd kick my ass if I dropped out."

I laughed and nodded."Totally sounds like something Aug would say too."

"Yeah. Have you noticed how close they've gotten?"

"Yes! Aw, it's kinda cute too."I smiled.

"Right. I asked Lance who he was texting–because he was laughing his ass off–and he said Aug. Of course with me being me, I checked."She stopped."And do you know these niggas was really deep into conversation?"

"About what?"I chuckled.

"First it was 2k, then it was plastic chicks, then it was how to work Twitter."She shook her head with a disgusted look."Like what the hell grandpas? How yall asses don't know how to work Twitter?"

"Aww, leave them alone."I grinned."I'm happy Auggie got himself another close friend."

"Auggie?"She smirked.

"What?"I blushed."What's wrong with that?"

"Nothin',"She shook her head with this certain look on her face,"I ain't sayin' nothin' at all."

Eventually we parted ways to different sections and when I sat down in class I sighed.

I couldn't tell Lola nor London how I felt about August. It was still all new to me and I know if I had done so, they'd probably go run and tell him. And that's the last thing I need. If he's gonna know, I want to be the one to tell him.

My lazy professor waltzed in the class in her pajamas and stood at her podium. On days like these, we already knew what she would say, so a couple of people began to gather their things.

"You guys."She rubbed her eyes and yawned."I am so tired so, no class today."

Sighs of relief could be heard throughout the classroom as we all got ready to head out. I had three hours to spare since that's when my next class was supposed to start, so I pulled out my phone to see what August was up to.

"April."Somebody tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around and smiled."Oh, hi Zay."

Zay was a boy, well man now, I knew from high school. He actually was the only boy who treated me like an actual friend or acquaintance rather than a toy.

"Wassup? You got dem notes from Crosgrove?"

"Uh, I think so. You need them?"

"Yeah, I was absent that day. Had to take my momma out."

"Aww, how is she by the way?"I asked while fishing through my bag.

"She aight. Doctors say she through wit' Chemo in a month."

"Really? Oh, got it."I handed it to him."That's good Zay."

"Yeah."He smiled looking down at the papers."Thank you for these though, it was nice speaking to you."

"You too."


"And you all set ta' go ma',"I touched da' top of ha' roof.

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