Chapter 40

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Chapter 40.

The Final Chapter.

( September 2015 )


"Fuck,"I groaned tossin' my head ta' da' side.

My phone rung on my side dresser makin' me have ta' reach ova' ta' answer it.

"Wazzam?"I strained, tappin' April hand unda' da' sheets fa' ha' ta' stop.

"Jus' callin' ta' tell ya' happy birthday Yung."Lance said.

"Thank ya' bruh."I coughed ta' cova' da' moan.

April giggled and kissed da' back of my ear, continuing ta' stroke me slow.

"What's ya' plan fa' today bruh? You know I got da' juice."

She slid one of ha' finger nails down, all da' way ta' da' tip makin' me stiffen.

"I'mma s-swing through."I cleared my throat."Ya' know I'm down."

"You aight son?"He chuckled."You soundin' like you in all types of pain."

Shid, mo' like pleasure.

"Yeah,"I lied clearin' my throat again,"my shoulda' fuckin' wit' me this mawnin' so let me get back ta' ya'."

April trailed ha' kisses from my ear ta' my neck while playin' wit' da' tip of my dick.

"Aight bruh, be coo'."

I immediately hung up and tossed my phone ta' da' side. April screamed when I sat up ta' push ha' back and climbed on top of ha'.

"I think you then did enough fa' dis mawnin' la'girl."I pointed a finga' ta' ha' face.

First, she woke me up wit' some head–sumn she ain't neva' did befo'.

Then she rode me not once, not twice, but six times.

And check dis out, I busted seven times. Which basically don't een add up ta' how many rounds we went.

She put my ass ta' sleep again and woke me up ta' strokin' my shit.

"Sorry."She kissed my nose wit' a smirk."I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday."

"Yeah right, ya' damn nympho."I shook my head sarcastically."Na' my dick throbbin'."

"Let me help you then,"She tried ta' stick ha' hands down my pants again.

"C'mon bruh."I jumped outta da' bed.

"Why are you running?"She laughed sittin' up.

"Cause my damn thighs hurtin' and I ain't bouta play witchu'."I frowned walkin' ta' da' bathroom.

I opened da' do' and was surprised ta' see bath water already ran. They had candles set up around it and da' beats pill sittin' in da' corner.

"See,"April wrapped ha' arms around my waist from behind,"while you were so busy being a meanie you didn't even know I did something else nice for you."

"Aww, thank ya' baybeh."I turned around and kissed ha'."I'm sorry fa' bein' tough on you."

"I'm sorry for not giving you a break in between."She shrugged wit' a smile.

I chuckled and kissed ha' forehead,"What have I turned my lil innocent baybeh into?"

"It's because I love you."She smiled and kissed me.

"I love you mo'."I kissed ha'.

"I love you most."She kissed me again."Now let's get in."


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