Chapter 8

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Chapter 8.


"Ya birthday tomorrow."August said over FaceTime.

After Kennedy and August had their little talk three days ago, my parents came home. We told them what happened with Kenn but we also explained how we handled it. They were okay with it but they talked to Kennedy themselves as well. She's doing alright now and is only focused on her exams coming up.

"Yeah, I know."I spun around in my work chair."I wonder what my best friend bought me."

"I wonder what Lola bought 'cha too."

I gasped."So you're not my best friend? Okay we'll see when September roll around."

"I'm jus' fuckin witchu man."He laughed being his usual aggrevating self.

"Yeah, yeah. But what did you get me for real?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because you love me."I cheesed.

"You sho' bout dat?"

"Oop. Well who getting all the love then if I'm not?"

"Nun ya business."

"None of my business? Ooooou, August got a girlfriend."I teased.

"No Aug don't."

"So who is she then?"

"Why is we even talkin' bout dis?"He tried not to grin."Don't you gotta go through some files or sumn?"

"Don't be changing the subject."I cocked my head a little."Why won't you tell me?"

"Bye April."He hung up chuckling.

I sighed and spun back to face the front of the hospital. My main thing to do was take in patients and get them to sign all paperwork needed. Sometimes I would bring the kids their medicine and keep them occupied until the doctor arrived but that was only sometimes.

"Hey, can you turn that up?"My coworker asked me.

I nodded and grabbed the remote, turning to the television to turn it up.

"And recently Monday morning our reporters found out that three hundred and fifty thousand dollars was stolen from Atlanta, Georgia's Capital One bank. Here we have John who can further explain."

I shook my head as the camera switched to another host,"Yes, Gretchen, um as you can see I'm at the crime scene right now. Of course there is caution tape everywhere and the bank is now shut down according to the Atlanta police department. The after math of what was clearly a burglary left four innocent people in the hospital, two of the people being the workers."

"My goodness."A coworker said from behind me.

"They're currently trying to calm down the citizens who's money were stolen-"

"Ignorance,"I shook my head turning away from the screen,"stealing people's hard earned money. Just ignorant as hell."

"You ain't lying honey, that ain't nothing but the devil at work. But I tell you what, karma always come back around."

"Amen to that,"Another one of my coworkers commented.

"I just hope they catch the fools who stole the money."I huffed.



"And I need dis one,"I pointed to da' pink and black one.

He moved da' fo-wheeler next ta my red and black one, puttin' two identical stamps on it.

"For your girlfriend?"He asked.

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