Chapter 30

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Chapter 30.


"Your call has be forwarded to an automatic voice message.."

"Really?"I rolled my eyes."Aug pick up the phone."

"He still didn't answer?"Jaxon walked into his room with food on a plate and a cup.

"No."I frowned."I don't know what to do. Something just doesn't feel right."

"Maybe you're just overreacting,"He kissed my cheek while climbing into bed."You want a cinnamon roll?"

I giggled and nodded, taking one off the plate."Thank you."

"You're welcome."He sat the plate down on the side dresser and pulled my feet onto his lap.

"What's in that cup?"

He took a sip of it and sat it down,"Ciroc."

"This early in the morning?"I asked completely shocked."I'm starting to think you're an alcoholic."

"Nah,"He laughed,"I just take joy in liquor more than others."

"So definitely an alcoholic then?"I teased.

"Don't judge me."He pinched my thigh.

I looked down at my phone and sighed. I clicked the screen off and on, hoping Aug would call and say he was just asleep or something.

"You alright?"Jaxon looked me up and down.

"Uh, I'm fine."I shook my head and opened my phone up."I'm just gonna call him one more time."

"Oh no you don't,"He took my phone from me.

"What? What are you doing? Give it back."I tried to take it back from him.

"No. You're stressing yourself out over something that could be nothin'. Maybe he's just busy right now."

"Yeah, but even if he was busy he'd at least shoot me a text."

"Maybe he forgot to or maybe he's doing exactly what we're doing right now. Chillin' in the bed, enjoying a wonderful morning, eating wonderful cinnamon rolls."He sat my phone down on the side dresser.

"But August doesn't even like cinnamon rolls. Well, unless I fix them, then he li–"

"April."He straight faced me.

"Okay! Okay!"I whined."I'll stop. I get it. Maybe he's just..busy with his girlfriend or something."

"Yeah see. The dude's probably just chillin' with his girl."


Beepin' noises was boomin' all around me. Ma' neck felt like it was strapped down and I jus' know ma' fuckin' eyes was crusty as fuck. I could barely even open dem bitches.

I tried ta' raise up but immediately regretted ma' actions. Da' fuckin' feelin' in my stomach was pain I couldn't even describe. I cracked my eyes open and took a look around, seein' I was in da' hospital. Da' raze of da' lights made me blink a few times ta' adjust.

I couldn't tell whetha' or not somebody else was in da' room since I was laying down, so I made a noise.

Immediately Kandy rushed ta' ma' side.

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